posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:36 AM
Hey thanks for all your kind words.
I've never had a thought cherished, even when people DO agree with me, so I'm very pleased with your message 'muzzleflash'.
I'm interested in many aspects of American culture and politics. There is the image that the U.S. authorities, media, etc. portrays and then there
are certain realities which all Americans know about. Maybe they are so commonplace that Americans don't feel the need to discuss these aspects, but
that is what interests me. Sometimes it has to be coaxed out of people.
On the bigger topics, I read this morning that a big oil company is trying to bribe(?) fisherman to sign disclaimers. Yet I bet the oil company PR
stuff is full of how they care about the environment and how fine and upright they are.
Multiple views of the same world is what ATS is all about.