posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:00 PM
To: Judy Faltskog
I do not if you are here or you aren't here on ATS. But it's worth a try if you or your friends are here to suggest alternatives out of your
predicament. Your life is more precious than anything else.
1. IF it is a hoax
Everyone makes mistakes, more so with out of this world traumatic experiences and no one believes you. But you are not the only one. There are many
more, hundreds of thousands more like you and share the same experiences. It is not just your personal truth, but a reality amongst them all.
There is nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps you thought this little charade may help you achieve your goals, to make everyone share the reality. But it
is not neccessary.
Even if an UFO will to land on the White House Lawn, those who fear the truth will claim it is either GGI, Blue Beam, fake actors, etc. There is no
stopping these people, for they have free will and ultimately, they will have to battle with their personal demons in their time.
Whatever your motives are, what happened has happened. Now it's how to move on. People play pranks all the time. While your hoax is serious for it
touches the lives of many, it is not as serious as murder. You have not committed any crime. You are no lesser human.
You can still continue on with your life, move on and rebuild your reputation again. Others tongue will always wag, one way or another. You cannot
stop them. Let them, for they don't live your life. It is yours to live and experience all that it has to offer.
There is sadness, but there is joy. There are wars, but there are times of peace. There is ugliness, but there is beauty as well. Don't miss it.
2. If work error
Again, mistakes happen. It is only natural for we are flaw. Admit it, and life goes on. No need to hide from it, because the more you hide it, the
more compounded will the errror be. Confront it, clear the air, and life goes on. Everyone's expectations were high, but at no time did you claim its
the real MCcoy or no furthers testings were required.
Their hopes had been of their own, but with your admittance to the error, they can move on, and perhaps some day, we may received signals from aliens
that Stephen Hawkins claim to exist, hopefully a friendly one.
3. If in danger
Everyone knows what happens to whistleblowers. The crime gangs will not hesitate to take lives, and this is proven daily. TPTB are no different,
except that they do it more discreetly and tries to leave no traces.
Just look at what happened to some defectors when they leave another country with information. Some go into sanctioned hiding, while others simply
disappear from earth.
No information is worth the taking of or giving up of your life, more so the information you have. There ALREADY are more than sufficient evidences
built up over the years on what is really going on. Yours is only the icing on the cake. But just like icing, it is not necessary, not at the cost of
your life.
Simply go to an US embassy, where your movements will be recorded, with a friend and admit it is mistake. You will have your life back. There are
enough dis-information gangs around to prove yours is a hoax, and play down the critical aspects of the info.
TPTB should realize it and need not do harm to you. Otherwise, it may end up blowing even bigger and beyond what they can control.
They can make one disappear, discredit a few, but they cannot disappear everyone, at least the 15million people who saw things in the sky they
shouldn't be seeing, and another few educated millions who found odditities in the presumed 'natural' scheme of things which cannot be simply
explained away.
Please contact your loved ones. They are the ones who matters in your life.
Good Luck.