Hi All.
Been watching a bit of news this morning. also catching up on things here.
What have we had the last few weeks.
1. North Korea visiting China
LINKY (Mention N Korea might be behind the oil riggs blowing up ?
2. Bomb scare in New York
3. The Volcanoe eruption in Iceland (still happening)
4. The Oil Spill in the gulf of mexico
5. The assasination of the Polish cabanit (with conspiracies abound with that one) Here are a few links
6. Talk of secret digging, at night, under the Sphinx Cairo
7. Major cash issues concerning a few european countries
I know we cant join the dots here on many of the above, but is it just me, or has the last few weeks been very wierd with things happening ?
I mean go back a few months, and we had that major earthquake in south america.
I dont like all this talk of "end of times" and "2012", but something DEEP INSIDE ME is telling me that something MAJOR is happening.
Had a wierd dream a few nights go, I and my family were living underground, and there was no electircity. In the dream we had to climb wierd hills to
get food and water. VERY VERY odd dream. this isnt a predictrion or anything, but I think this dream was trigured by all the news off late.
Anyone else thinking along these lines ?
I am a very happy chap, but last few months, I havnt been sleeping, and again, something inside me, it feels like fear, is telling me to worry.
I am not the type of person to think like this, and when with people I am my usual self, Iam kinda normal, just getting on with things, but its a
feeling I have when I am trying to sleep or I am along.
Very strange goings on indeedy.
[edit on 3/5/2010 by shauny]