reply to post by chorizo4
I certainly don't think that Obama is America's greatest black person. Also, I find some flaws in your reasoning.
I don't know about you but I have yet to meet one black person who has suffered because of slavery. In fact, plenty of races have been enslaved
through-out history so I don't see how in the world that black people have had a more tough history than any other race. Me, being a white male, has
just as much claim to suffrage from slavery as anyone else, black people included. In fact, black people have a leg up through all of this anti-white
or pro-black legislation and policies such as Affirmative Action. I'm not so certain that Obama may not have gotten a leg up through racist policies
such as Affirmative Action or just the current socio-economic climate that seems to favor anyone but whites.
I certainly don't think that Obama was elected because he is such a great person. On the contrary, I think that Obama is the President because Bush
was so horrible. Obama is America's knee-jerk reaction to the raping of America by the Bush Administration.
I also think that there are some other ingredients that led to him winning the election with some being do solely to his race. First of all, how many
people voted for him just because of his race? Before the election, the MSM was constantly talking about the fear that some people would not vote for
him just because he is black. They hardly ever mentioned how many people actually would vote for him just because he is black. I'm sure there were
plenty of times that the Media didn't want to be labeled as racist so he could have gotten more positive press with little, if any negative press.
The point that I'm trying to make is that I don't think that Obama is extraordinary, such as MLK, I just think that he happened to be at the right
place, at the right time with the right skin color. Haven't you heard lately, white people are supposedly evil and the white man has been at fault
for all of the worlds' problems for the last few hundred years? This election was won strictly for the color of Obama's skin and Obama is the result
of that anti-establishment fervor that has manifested as anti-white fervor that has taken hold in America lately.
Obama is certainly not special, at least not to me. I mean what good has he really done, before being elected President? What about the nameless black
person working in the homeless shelter, children's cancer ward or frontlines, dying for a cause greater than himself? Does this mean that Obama is a
bad person? Absolutely not, although I haven't seen him use his influence or power for anything good as of yet. In fact, I only have seen him lie and
screw my fellow countrymen over. But, I'll admit that I don't have the same picture as him so I clearly can't call it for sure but I certainly
don't see him as any more special than anyone else. Plain and simple, he got lucky and he just happened to be "other than white".
I surely don't mean for this post to sound racist as that is not my intent. I'm only calling it how I see it and unfortunately, do to the
indoctrination that we all receive (no matter your race), people may take this post as racist and all I can say is that I wish you would open your
mind to see past that. I don't dislike Obama because he is black though I know many of people who love Obama simply because he is black and will even
admit to it because somehow (due to our indoctrination) that isn't seen as racist. Personally, I have yet to form an opinion on Obama but so far, I
don't think it will be a favorable one because he has repeatedly lied and failed to change anything. So far, he has been a fraud. Obama is certainly
not better than the black guy actually making a difference for the better in this world. Obama is just a guy who lied and happened to get elected do
to factors beyond his control.