posted on May, 2 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Putting the I in Introduction
I have been a strong follower of ATS and have brought many individuals to this site. I have great interest in what is going on in our world, and have
more than enough compassion in protecting our rights as citizens of our countries. It is my honor to finally be a part of this stupendous website, and
hope to take part in the great opportunities that ATS offers.I am an 18 year old American living in Michigan. I have strong beliefs, but only in
things that matter, and will be willing to do whatever it takes to provide for a better environment of those in the ATS environment. I speak the truth
and nothing but the truth, and will be more than happy to reply honestly to posts made by my ATS piers. I hope you guys can give me a warm welcome as
I would with great honer do the same to each and everyone of you.