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could new evolution happen if the antarctic melts

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posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 04:59 AM
is that what there trying to stop not globle warming but the next evolution

think what could be frozon in the antartic sea alien life form from over comets human cells , life witch was lost thousands off years ago human life will have to adapt to the new climate
could sea Dinosores live agen

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 06:25 AM
I don't believe humans are trying to stop the next evolution, evolution is inevitable, from adaptation to genetic traits, every birth is somewhat evolved from their parent, although the differences might be a very slight difference. As for dinosaurs living again, I don't believe dinosaurs from the paleolithic, jurassic, etc. era type of dinosaurs would exist again, unless you're talking about turtles, crocodiles, and sharks.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 08:54 AM
Well not so much from life (at least large scale life) being released from its frozen homes. But if there was a massive change to the earths climate then yes naturally all life on earth would have to evolve to survive, or die off. (Humans of course are slightly different in that we can just change our immediate surroundings to suit our needs, ie shelters etc).

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 10:00 AM
What makes you think there is frozen alien life in the Antarctic? I think we would have a lot more to be concerned with than the possibility of long frozen cells starting a "new evolution", whatever that might be.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:47 AM
Well, the Antarctic is melting but not as fast as the Arctic.

The Arctic is the one that is melting fast. It is also growing but its losing mass faster than it is gaining it, and this trend has accelerated in the past 3 years or so.

[edit on 7-6-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:50 AM
What ever Evolves We'll crush it quickly...and keep samples of it to study

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by leejones
is that what there trying to stop not globle warming but the next evolution


There seems to be some misunderstanding here about what "evolution" means. Things are constantly evolving. We're taller and heavier than our ancestors... that's the product of evolution. Humans also control evolution (the different breeds of dogs and cats and horses are controlled evolution.)

Raising the sea level by warming the Antarctic would change the habitable areas of the Earth. It wouldn't force anything else.

think what could be frozon in the antartic sea

Not much. Remember, they regularly drill into the ice and analyze it.

could sea Dinosores live agen

Afraid not. They couldn't survive being frozen for that long.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 11:48 AM
There is no 'New evolution', just evolution! If the human race was wiped off the face of the planet and house cats became the next dominant species it would still be the same global evolution. No species evolves in a vaccum; we are all interacting and evolving because of our co-existence with one another. Can global evolution change? Of course as that is the very nature of evolution and not a new entity in itself.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 02:11 PM
From what I've "heard," although I cannot yet confirm this, we (humans) are evolving. The increased need for education and social interaction is starting to widen our heads, thus making room for larger brains (and more difficult child birth). It is also believed that we are starting to lose our pinky finger because it has little use out of trees... I believe it was used for stability while hanging, similar to how our little toe stablizes us while we stand.

The species that might take over if humans ever fall as a species are as follows: Chimpanzees, Dolphins, and Octopi.

Believe it or not, some Octopi have brains are up to 1500cc's or so. Humans have brains between 1000-2000cc's from what I remember, although our brains are more complex because of the folding process.

I'll try to get some confirmation on those facts.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 02:44 PM

These links should have the appropriate sources to validate some of the information.

I did not find anything on the actual brain size of octopi, nor did I find anything on the width of the human head expanding (don't do this search, as it comes up with results related to other... more adult subjects).

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 01:40 PM
I'd be able to imagine, that given enough time, and enough water from the melted ice, some noticeable evolution could take place. I.e. Those gills from Waterworld, or maybe more prominently webbed appendages. Shoot, maybe out tails could grow back. Anyway, it wouldn't take much change to have gills, everyone still has the some of the inner pipes(eustachian tubes?) for it.

I've had an opposite experience than Protector. When I was younger I knew a kid with an oval scar on each hand beyond the pinky, a little under where you would think the sixth finger would be. He always told us that he had half fingers there when he was born and they amputated them. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there were just as many kids born with four digits.

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