posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:27 PM
A giant watery planet with an icy core... What would happen to it's core, crushing in on it's on weight? Would it ignite under pressure?
I'd propose Paradoxzzt-743WP-QL as it's name...
But as a concept, if it was full of life, It would become a muddy planet over time with all the decomposed remains... with a bony material core...
But if there was an atmosphere, much likely due to decomposition gases mixed with water vapor, I bet some species would adapt to become amphibious
like with the capacity of temporary flight while others would develop "blimp" like qualities of flight to remain airborne at all times, using long
fish-line like organs to capture a prey to feed and produce the necessary gases to stay in the air.
Most species would be jellyfish like, having few hard materials to rely on. Except for the deep sea creatures that would use ice as bone material,
with a form of antifreeze for blood and greasy liquids.
But, with the muddering of the planet, ultra-hard argyle will be developed as the new bone material, allowing at one point one intelligent specie
to build housings and stuffs.
One day, one of them, a genius, will build a hydrogen bomb... and detonate it... Then... I have no idea, you got me there... Maybe the
atmosphere will catch on fire, and the planet will evaporate...