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Genesis chapter 1. Explained with a bit of Pseudoscience:)

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posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by novastrike81

I never said darkness was nothing. I said darkness was just that "Darkness". That does not mean empty. It means we cant see anything. But God does say that there is nothing there but water. Water is the same as purenergy. There is no heaven or earth

I know i have this right. All i can ask of you is to read my post at the top of the page again. It explains everything. And than take a few days to think about it. And i bet you will see everything much clearer.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by novastrike81

I never said darkness was nothing. I said darkness was just that "Darkness". That does not mean empty. It means we cant see anything. But God does say that there is nothing there but water. Water is the same as purenergy. There is no heaven or earth

I know i have this right. All i can ask of you is to read my post at the top of the page again. It explains everything. And than take a few days to think about it. And i bet you will see everything much clearer.

Do you see water in space? Really? Listen to your logic. I've never seen water floating in the absence of nothing. You need to re-read the first chapter and understand that water wasn't created until the 2nd day. It's a play on words, an analogy, whatever. I just broke the verses down further for you. If you can't understand that then I'm sorry.

To show you there were no heavenly bodies on the first day I'll show you Genesis 1:14-19:

14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

What do we use to for signs of harvest and eras if you follow certain cultures? Stars and planets! They guide us along through our seasons so we know what season we are in and can prepare for the next. It's not rocket science buddy. May I remind you that heaven is plural. The first is mentioned so we are on the second heaven. So show me in verse 1-8 where the stars and planets come in. It clearly says in verse 16 he made the stars also. Meaning he made the rest of the planets to go with them; including our Moon and the moons of other planets. That disproves your theory that they were created when God said "let there be light."

This is why people who don't believe think the Bible contradicts itself. It's because they read it and take each word literally but don't understand everything they are reading.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Now let me be clear again. I'm reading it again and still you have everything right until you say:

As you can see God did not really create heaven and earth first. God said, let there be light first. Before he created heaven and earth.
God did create heave and earth first you just couldn't see it until he said "let there be light." Does that make sense? It's an absence of light. You can make your room pitch black but that doesn't mean your bed and furniture disappear; they are still there just under the absence of light.

The next thing wrong is you show the picture


Although that's not entirely true cause it sort of is. You just skipped from verse 6-8 to verses 14-19. Does that make sense? I hope it does. God is still referring to earth on the first three days. On the fourth day he creates the rest of the universe. I hope that clears up some stuff.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by novastrike81

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by novastrike81

I never said darkness was nothing. I said darkness was just that "Darkness". That does not mean empty. It means we cant see anything. But God does say that there is nothing there but water. Water is the same as purenergy. There is no heaven or earth

I know i have this right. All i can ask of you is to read my post at the top of the page again. It explains everything. And than take a few days to think about it. And i bet you will see everything much clearer.

Do you see water in space? Really? Listen to your logic. I've never seen water floating in the absence of nothing. You need to re-read the first chapter and understand that water wasn't created until the 2nd day. It's a play on words, an analogy, whatever. I just broke the verses down further for you. If you can't understand that then I'm sorry.

To show you there were no heavenly bodies on the first day I'll show you Genesis 1:14-19:

14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

What do we use to for signs of harvest and eras if you follow certain cultures? Stars and planets! They guide us along through our seasons so we know what season we are in and can prepare for the next. It's not rocket science buddy. May I remind you that heaven is plural. The first is mentioned so we are on the second heaven. So show me in verse 1-8 where the stars and planets come in. It clearly says in verse 16 he made the stars also. Meaning he made the rest of the planets to go with them; including our Moon and the moons of other planets. That disproves your theory that they were created when God said "let there be light."

This is why people who don't believe think the Bible contradicts itself. It's because they read it and take each word literally but don't understand everything they are reading.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

I believe in God. Don't get me wrong. After i figured this out, i am without doubt.

Again, I have never said that the waters God is talking about is H2O. I have specified that the "waters" God is talking about is energy(s).

Read my Post on top page 1. I explain what the waters represent.

Verse 2 supports it. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Your the one who is talking about H2O were your not supposed to.

God is not moving over the waters (H2O) on top of earth in verse 2. Because earth is not even created yet.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by spy66

I believe in God. Don't get me wrong. After i figured this out, i am without doubt.

Again, I have never said that the waters God is talking about is H2O. I have specified that the "waters" God is talking about is energy(s).

Read my Post on top page 1. I explain what the waters represent.

Verse 2 supports it. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Your the one who is talking about H2O were your not supposed to.

God is not moving over the waters (H2O) on top of earth in verse 2. Because earth is not even created yet.

Yes you're correct. Some of your other posts were confusing and I kept getting the impression you were saying God was walking through water in space. I was in the process of re-reading your post to get a grasp of everything. I'm just trying to help you revise your original OP cause you have some flaws. Now that we are on the same page of water we can move past that issue I hope.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by novastrike81

Originally posted by spy66

I believe in God. Don't get me wrong. After i figured this out, i am without doubt.

Again, I have never said that the waters God is talking about is H2O. I have specified that the "waters" God is talking about is energy(s).

Read my Post on top page 1. I explain what the waters represent.

Verse 2 supports it. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Your the one who is talking about H2O were your not supposed to.

God is not moving over the waters (H2O) on top of earth in verse 2. Because earth is not even created yet.

Yes you're correct. Some of your other posts were confusing and I kept getting the impression you were saying God was walking through water in space. I was in the process of re-reading your post to get a grasp of everything. I'm just trying to help you revise your original OP cause you have some flaws. Now that we are on the same page of water we can move past that issue I hope.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

We sure can

I have lot more details about this chapter. I have spent 2 years trying to figure this chapter out scientifically in details. But i found it to be way to much information to put in one post. So i had to pic and choose what information i wanted to use, to give a ok explanation of how it was done.

Maybe the lack of some details make this explanation hard to comprehend. But i also think most people are to hung up in the common original version explaining Genesis. I just wanted to give Genesis chapter one a new twist of reality.

PS. There are a lot of non believer who claim that God is a invisible man. God is a invisible intelligence there is no doubt about that.

Many non believer thinks that science contradicts Genesis chapter one. When it really does not. This is what i wanted to illustrate with this post.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:58 PM
Your OP should go something like this when you get to the point AFTER the light. Plus it also helps if you include the verses so people can follow along since the firmament is mentioned a lot in the first chapter.

Okay we have light now and we can see the earth, well the beginning of it and all the pure energies as you describe. From there God moves to the earth again and starts the second day. After he created light and created evening and morning, light and dark, that ended day one. So I think the appropriate image is to use this one you used.

Now change the heaven's portion (yellow but can still read heaven) and say this is WHERE the UNIVERSE will be on the 4th day in verses 14-19. We are still on verses 6-8 which is day two. Now in verses 6-8 it says

6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

This is where you explain the presence of actual water (H20), not pure energy so you don't confuse the readers, and how ground water is separated from atmospheric water and how the SKY now becomes the first heaven.. Would you agree or am I still wrong? I'm sure you can throw in the heat energy of the earth radiating or not but it doesn't say that so its speculation.

Then if you want to explain day three and plant life, verse 9-13, you can. Now to you can throw in Genesis 14-19 and the image of

This will explain the second heaven and the completion of the 4th Day.

Then you can refer back to your picture breaking down earth, heaven, and God and have God's "black area" representing the third heaven. That's how it should be. I didn't pay attention to the scientific stuff cause those seemed fine it was just your order of how things came to be and the first 8 verses that was a bit misconstrued. I hope I cleared it up and if you still think I'm wrong then I give up on you and you'll be at the mercy of the other commenters. I'm not arguing the scientific stuff just the Biblical representation.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by novastrike81

Yes you have it wrong.

If you give me a 20 minutes i will do it again with the verse on every picture.

I knew i had to feed the herd with a spoon heheh

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by novastrike81

Yes you have it wrong.

If you give me a 20 minutes i will do it again with the verse on every picture.

I knew i had to feed the herd with a spoon heheh

What am I wrong about? You think there is only two heavens and not three? Is it because the first verse says heaven and earth and we relate heaven (celestial) and the heaven we go to when we die as the two heavens?

I noticed in some translation it either says heaven or heavens so I can see where people may get confused. I use the King James Version; not sure what one you use.

Also, here is the definition of firmament:

The great vault or expanse of sky that separates the upper and lower waters. The firmament was created by God on the second day to separate the “waters from the waters” (Genesis 1:6-7). One use of “heaven” in the Bible is to refer to the ceiling or canopy of the earth. Heaven in this sense is also referred to as the firmament or sky (Genesis 1:8). Into this expanse, God set the sun, moon, and stars (Genesis 1:14-18).
The word “firmament” comes from the Latin word firmamentum in the Vulgate. There it is used to translate the Greek word stereomaoin the Septuagint rendering of Genesis 1:6-7. The original Hebrew word Gaqiacspode notes a strip of hammered out metal. God spreads out (verbal form of raqiaspro) the sky (Job 37:18). At times the use of the word connotes the idea of extension or expansion—thus the expanse of the heavens at creation.
In Genesis 1:6 the firmament separates the mass of waters and divides them into layers. The firmament is mentioned nine times in Genesis, the Psalms, Ezekiel, and Daniel. It is described as bright, transparent like crystal, revealing the handiwork of God, and signifying His seat of power (Psalms 19:1; Psalms 150:1; Ezekiel 1:22; Daniel 12:3).
Some scholars argue that the Hebrews had a primitive cosmology where the firmament was visualized as a rigid, solid dome—a celestial dam (Genesis 7:11; 2 Samuel 22:8; Job 26:8; Job 37:18; Proverbs 8:28; Malachi 3:10). Above the firmament flowed the heavenly waters. The firmament was punctuated by grilles or sluices, “windows of heaven” through which rain was released. Others argue that such interpretations are unsound, in that they confuse poetic and figurative language with literal prose. Others say Israel's inspired writers used language of experience and appearance rather than language of precise scientific description. See Heavens.


You didn't put the whole definition of firmament from your source in your OP. This is what it really says, full sentence per your source:

The Firmament is the usual English translation of the Hebrew "raqiya`" (pronounced /raki'ja/ in English) meaning an extended solid surface or dome, considered to be a hemisphere above the ground[1] in many Near Eastern cosmologies.

Bold roughly means the sky.

So we have the third heaven as described by 2 Cor 12:2

I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth; ) such an one caught up to the third heaven.

You have to be completely ignorant to know there is three heavens and say there is only two or just not know of three heavens and assume two. I used to assume two until I saw that passage and the explanation of the firmament.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 10:10 PM
[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by novastrike81

Believe what you like. That is what really matters. I dont feel like feeding spoons to people who dont have knowledge.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by novastrike81

Believe what you like. That is what really matters. I dont feel like feeding spoons to people who dont have knowledge.

One article describing the three heavens.
1st Heaven is the Sky

Here is a picture illustrating what I'm saying and it look like yours just more detailed.

Use the picture if it helps illustrate your point, just don't take away from the meaning.

and the link if you want to read the article describing it. The Three Heavens

And firmament defined by the dictionary:

fir·ma·ment (fûr'mə-mənt)
n. The vault or expanse of the heavens; the sky.

If you accept only two heavens and not three when the Bible itself says three then I'm sorry. Yes the 1st and 2nd heaven are normally combined into one but still it's not the overall meaning of the word. Just trying to inform. You aren't wrong in your view I'm just helping you see the bigger picture.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by novastrike81]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by novastrike81

I am not specifying how many heavens there are. You are!

I am talking about the waters that separate the waters. I am talking about infinite energy and emitted energies. The emitted energies that separated the firmaments from the infinite energy.

The yellow aria that i called heaven in one of my images. Represents the emitted energies from the firmament. It must be the emitted energies. Because God is creating heaven and earth.

You can break the yellow aria into as many heavens as you like. But i would just like to call the yellow aria for heaven for now.

In the image where i display the order of things.

I display the order of expansion. where the solids emit energies in stages. The emitted energies emit energies in stages and expand towards the infinite (God).

As i said in my original post i tried to make this as easy as possible for people to understand. But as i see. Its till to hard understand.

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