posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 06:25 PM
I Love you...
I'd like to back up M.J. for a moment because it's part of the problem I believe you are showing us.
M.J. was accused of pedophile behaviour. A verry big no, no in my book. He was never convicted. He was innocent or by lack of
evidence. No testimonies. At least one bribe.
People do everything for money. We steal, rob, hussle, destroy, kill, torture and so on. All because of the luxury, happiness and freedom it's
supposed to give. Or the power it creates over those who are guilty of the above.
Lying about being sexual molested is just a small step to take.
We used to be innocent until proven guilty. Even this small act of trust and righteiousness has changed. We now got to proof we are innocent. Which is
not completly a bad thing, only without evidence or proof there is no way you will be innocent, in their eyes.
I don't remember when this changed but I've noticed it all of a sudden.
Lucy B a convicted serial killer was released recently after spending 7 years in jail. She was convicted because statistics showed the chance for the
deaths during her work was regarded as small or impossible.
She was convicted on statistics. 7 years of her life wasted. Locked up and more important emotionally destroyed. Because that's what happens when the
world abandence you, if you're innocent .
'M.J. was weird. The living proof, money does not cause happiness.
The freedom from financial problems like dept or a bill you can't afford for something you didn't ask for in the first place. A.K.A. Stress.
For thinking he was indeed a pedophile, one should be ashamed.
It's not proven and goes head on with denying ignorence.
We simply do not know. Lets at least show some trust and accept he as never been proven guilty.
I now, the world is rotten. But... Not as rotten as people think it is.
They lie to us. They admit it. We should cut of their heads. Just like the French did during their revolution.
They control us because we let them. We let them indoctrinate fear.
We let our selves to expect the worst but the countermeassures only make it worse. It's a down going spiral.
We can easily stop them. But we are to busy trying to fix what they broke.
But reality kicked in on time. They are revealed to the public. They've made some stupid mistakes and admitted it. Why don't we act !? according our
The love is gone. They say, We did it. but we don't trust them. What if they didn't or whatever.
Just love your neighbor, instead of betraying him.
Acoording to Danté the worst most terrible plain / circle of hell is reserved for traitors only...
Judging is written to be returned exponentional.
I don't think these are hoax messages. Betraying and judging leads us to racism, hate, paranoia and so on.
Anyway I'm ranting. It's late and I'm disapointed.
Love is not the answer. It prevents us to need an answer in the first place.
Be well.
~ SK