-- Message original--
Date: 4 Mar 2003 07:18:50 -0000
From: "Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org"
To: "NANS"
Subject: Emergency Petition to the Security Council
Here a letter to be delivering to the Security Council members along with the petition:
Dear Member of the U.N. Security Council,
We are citizens from countries all over the world. We are speaking together because we will all be affected by a decision in which your country has a
major part -- the decision of how to disarm Iraq.
The first reason for its existence listed in the Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations is "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of
war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind." If your country supports a Security Council resolution that would authorize
a war on Iraq, you will directly contradict that charter. You will be supporting an unnecessary war -- a war which immediately, and in its unknown
consequences, could bring "untold sorrow to mankind" once again.
The U.N. was created to enable peaceful alternatives to
conflict. The weapons inspections under way are a perfect example of just such an alternative, and their growing success is a testament to the
potential power the U.N. holds.
By supporting tough inspections instead of war, you can show the world a real way to resolve conflict without bloodshed.
But if you back a war, it will undermine the very premise upon which the U.N. was built.
President Bush argues that only by endorsing a war on Iraq can the United Nations prove its relevance. We argue the opposite. If the Security
Council allows itself to be completely swayed by one member nation, in the face of viable alternatives, common sense and world public opinion, then it
will be diminished in its role, effectiveness, and in the opinion of humankind.
We do not support this war. For billions of citizens in hundreds of countries, and for the future generations whose lives will be shaped by the
choice you make, we ask that you stand firm against the pressuring of the Bush Administration, and support tough inspections for Iraq. The eyes of
the world are on you.
citizens of the world.
This is the list of UN security council members e-mails.
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Highest Regards