posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by niteboy82
Well I feel a little Nostradamusy today.. So let me predict the future.
Government spends 100 billion to clean up mess.
Louisiana gets 20 billion in disaster assistance.
BP gets fined like $20billion even though its there responsibility and should pay for it all. They wouldnt fine them at all but the government likes
to look as though they are fighting for justice.
We are are on the hook for the other $100 billion.
Guess it is good that the government still lets oil companies profit or they wouldnt be able to pay the fine.
Obama decides this would never happen if the oil rig was manned by government workers and decides oil is evil regardless.
He goes to total renewable energy and gives free bikes to everyone in America.
Each bike will cost the taxpayer $200,000 dollars.