The reason why global warming takes a second place to other discussions is because it is
the poster-child of many a government. If you use some
very critical reasoning here ...
This leads to a few observations:
- Geo-engineering, called 'absolute insanity" by David Suzuki, is the big answer to global warming, but it is only a masking solution since it does
not actually nullify the CO2 in the atmosphere.
The reverse is true, it helps cause it.
- Geo-engineering creates vast airplane traffic that adds NOx, and SO to the problem, and there is definate proof that aluminum, barium and other
chemicals harmful to health are part of the problem.
- Geo-engineering was unsuccessfully lobbied as a bottom-up governance which avoided UN control, but is operating now from a nwo standpoint. The
program critics are completely ineffective to alter the methods of application, or the scope.
- Obama/Bush views in mind please. Al Gore was ready and willing to put himself in the same position as them, and to be privy to, and support of, all
corporate interests and shadow govt. directives he was expected to follow. It's not just speculative. No-one runs for pres or gets that opportunity
without some silent backing. Let's think about that because the perks don't end after an unsuccessful office run.
- Geo-engineering is now blocking out sunlight, which, contrary to any FDA/cancer-society claims, cures cancer and promotes good health; it drops
chemicals that are harmful to all life; it adds to CO2 production (one 8H trans-atlantic flight causes as much pollution as 50 cars do in their entire
12 year average lifespan); the cover prevents moisture rising which is promoting mold, fungal, and bacteria growths to survive and thrive. Morgellons.
- The cost of these flight programs is astronomical, let alone the scientists wages, let alone the institutional costs, let alone the propegandizing
to market this concept to the public. There's also the spray costs, the ongoing program documentaries, the backrubs and political favour, and all
other manners of circus and parade to ensure this program stays huge, profitable, and costly.
- Dropping iron in the ocean to promote the growth of CO2 fighting organisms? Very costly still, maybe some hope, what else are they up to, could be
just a money-maker yet. Ie. Do nanobots need undersea minerals depots to replicate themselves?
What happens when we point out what is missing here. Do you see much news coverage of the slash and burn policies in Indonesia where satellites and
spaceflights can actually see parts of the world burning from space? No, not too much coverage. How about India's coal-burning legacies, or clamping
down on factory pollutions. Where are the state controls to outlaw fossil fuels
actually headed, now that the States are being manipulated
behind the scenes to stage a war on Iran? The quest for oil is on-going, and the beast never tires of lusting after the worlds resources, because it
wants to control mankind, and that fuels their sadist desires.
Do you think the powers that be care if the world is destroyed? No, that's merely unfortunate. They probably have a space station, ufo tech, or deep
earth/sea bunkers they can retire to. Global Warming is occurring, and could pose a danger to us, true enough. Look hard at the big picture, and you
clearly see that their counter-measures are not only promoting
more global warming, in a one step backwards, two steps forward
manner, but that they also
don't have the environment in heartfelt concern either. I suggest we tear down their poster and keep looking at the
For a lark, research as much as you can on Albert Pike. Determine if he was a likeable fellow in the process, but most of all, pick his mind and see
what you think about his many ideas. I think you'll solve a few modern riddles in the process.
Gore was one of the Atari Democrats who were given this name due to their "passion for technological issues, from biomedical research and
genetic engineering to the environmental impact of the "greenhouse effect."
Executive Intelligence Review
Al Gore: The Most Corrupt Man Never Elected President