posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:34 AM
OP, unlike the vast majority posting on this sight I believe that "The Illuminati" are an old secret society no longer functioning in the world.
This label, along with those involved with the "New World Order", are merely names which make for easy pigeon-holing without properly and critically
thinking about the issues at hand. Its disconcertingly similar to the whole "terrorist" brand people keenly apply to anybody heralding from a
different religious viewpoint, holding passions and ideas which entirely escape their narrow band of intelligence or understanding.
Catchy names for operations occuring beyond the realm of regular understanding, that is all. My opinion is that "The Illuminati" were disbanded
centuries ago, period.
These mechanations, policies, etc ad nausuem which spell doom, disaster, corruption and further poverty for millions are not ALWAYS the concentrated
and perpetual effort of closely knit "elites" planning wide-spread destruction and constriction upon greater humanity. Sometimes--dare I say
often-times, they are merely a reflection of the absolute selfishness and callous-nature present in the human heart. A reflection of our spirit.
You are the world...never forget that axiom. Remember also that governments have far more to fear from private citizens working at private
endeavours...and generally speaking politicians are so paranoid about losing their power that these "almighty, unholy workings" conspiracies only
further serve to elevate their invisible strength and utter irrelevance.
What do you think the ever-present injection of vacuity and pointlessness into popular culture means other than the distraction of people from
anything approaching critical thinking about the "life" they're "forced" to accept?
You are free. Period. Don't let the paranoia brew until it feels inescapable. Fight for your unhindered operation in your only life...and screw
the ensnaring rubbish. That is all.
Muchos love and serenity to you sir/madam.
[edit on 29-4-2010 by Milleresque]