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Citizens chastise Phoenix Mayor Gordon for supporting illegal aliens

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posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 11:44 AM
A letter to the mayor oh Phoenix written by a legal resident of Phoenix.

Richard Firth wrote the infamous mayor of Phoenix.

Dear Mayor Gordon:

I just got finished listening to the interview you gave Fox News about your opposition to the current law just passed by the Arizona state legislature which would finally ENFORCE OUR CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS, AND I WAS APPALLED AND ANGERED BEYOND WORDS at your inane, profoundly ignorant opposition.

You base your opposition on "civil rights". Let me tell you Mr. Mayor, these illegal aliens HAVE NO SUCH RIGHTS. I dare you to prove to me in the Constitution they have "civil rights" and by the way the Constitution is the supreme law of the land!

Do you know that current law states that anyone aiding and abetting an illegal alien is guilty of a FELONY? Permit me to quote excerpts from that law:

"Under Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv](iii) any US citizen that knowingly assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that declare their jurisdictions to be "Open Cities, Counties or States are subject to arrest; as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to enforce this law. Police officers who ignore officials who violate Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv](iii) are committing a Section 274 federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by an illegal alien."

I hope the people of Arizona will indict you under this law. You and your ilk are destroying the rule of law in this country and teaching others that "crime REALLY DOES PAY." In fact it encourages law breaking by all!

I guess you don't care about the 25 Americans who die at the hands of these illegal alien terrorist CRIMINALS every day. I guess you don't care how many millions of dollars they rob our municipal treasuries INCLUDING YOURS. I guess you don't care about the jobs they are stealing from us Americans. I guess you don't care about their militant groups who will stoop to any means, including acts of violence, to get the lands lost in the Mexican-American war back. In fact I guess you don't care about your Arizonians or the people of Phoenix or even the American people.

People like you are traitors to this country, willing to sell it down the drain to the highest bidder. I wonder how much money LaRaza and similar anti-American groups have put in your pocket. Would be an interesting answer?

When they write your legacy it will be noted you are the Mayor that sold his City and State out to the illegal aliens.


Richard W. Firth


Good for you Richard, let him have it. I bet he doesnt get elected back to office. OUR POLITICIANS ARE GOING AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. why is this happening? from city govts to federal government, they are going against the will of the people they are suppose to represent. what the hell is wrong with america?

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 11:54 AM
The kool-aid induced coma is finally wearing off. I am very impressed by Mr. Richard and more us concerned CITIZENS need to do the same.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Dear Mayor Gordon:

I just got finished listening to the interview you gave Fox News about your opposition to the current law just passed by the Arizona state legislature which would finally ENFORCE OUR CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS, AND I WAS APPALLED AND ANGERED BEYOND WORDS at your inane, profoundly ignorant opposition.

You base your opposition on "civil rights". Let me tell you Mr. Mayor, these illegal aliens HAVE NO SUCH RIGHTS. I dare you to prove to me in the Constitution they have "civil rights" and by the way the Constitution is the supreme law of the land!

Do you know that current law states that anyone aiding and abetting an illegal alien is guilty of a FELONY? Permit me to quote excerpts from that law:

"Under Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv](iii) any US citizen that knowingly assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that declare their jurisdictions to be "Open Cities, Counties or States are subject to arrest; as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to enforce this law. Police officers who ignore officials who violate Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv](iii) are committing a Section 274 federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by an illegal alien."

I hope the people of Arizona will indict you under this law. You and your ilk are destroying the rule of law in this country and teaching others that "crime REALLY DOES PAY." In fact it encourages law breaking by all!

I guess you don't care about the 25 Americans who die at the hands of these illegal alien terrorist CRIMINALS every day. I guess you don't care how many millions of dollars they rob our municipal treasuries INCLUDING YOURS. I guess you don't care about the jobs they are stealing from us Americans. I guess you don't care about their militant groups who will stoop to any means, including acts of violence, to get the lands lost in the Mexican-American war back. In fact I guess you don't care about your Arizonians or the people of Phoenix or even the American people.

People like you are traitors to this country, willing to sell it down the drain to the highest bidder. I wonder how much money LaRaza and similar anti-American groups have put in your pocket. Would be an interesting answer?

When they write your legacy it will be noted you are the Mayor that sold his City and State out to the illegal aliens.


the endisnighe

Hell, I modified the quote a little bit. The modification pretty much states my position.

edit to show the modified component. Richard W. Firth you should run for office!

[edit on 4/28/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:12 PM
S&F for the post.

In so many ways we as a society overall have sat on our keisters without letting our voices be heard. I hope this changes. I do know there are many people I have spoken with these past several weeks that are fed up with the way things are going and are speaking up. We must remember that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Great job to the author of the letter. I sincerely hope the message is heard and adhered. I think each State should stand up and vote for enforcing our laws and stop depending on those in the beltway who are out of touch with reality to do anything.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:26 PM
I'm guessing the mayor is afraid of losing his housekeepers and cooks!

It's all really about electoral-power though. They don't want to piss of the group which has ties to the illegals because they are the largest voting base. Get them on your side and your opponents don't stand a chance. If he were to lose, for argument's sake, his successor would either A) have to come up with a new heartfelt platform to support or B) bend over and kiss the ass of the populous-vote group

my 2c

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by TXRabbit

I think you are wrong on the LARGEST base. Polls are showing that 70-75% of Arizona residents back this bill.

So tell me, who is the bigger base, those backing the bill or those not?

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:27 PM
if both sides would just follow the damn law instead of pandering to votes we wouldnt have this problem period. there would be no illegal immigrant voting bloc...

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by TXRabbit

I think you are wrong on the LARGEST base. Polls are showing that 70-75% of Arizona residents back this bill.

So tell me, who is the bigger base, those backing the bill or those not?

I'm talking about VOTERS my friend. Not polls.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:29 PM
To Mr. Firth.

That was one great letter ! Not only did he voice his opinion, but he also showed the laws that prove the mayor & many other politicians are criminals themselves.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:05 AM
One thing I noticed about most of these people who tell off on the supporters of this Criminal Invasion. They talk about the Immigration Laws, the strain on society & infrastructure, a whole host of things they talk about...One thing that seems to get missed a lot is the fact that the Mayor in question here is an elected official, but no one threatens to get him on a Recall Ballot & effectively un-elect him.

Recall ballots can be made at any time the people demand it...It just takes a small percentage of voters to petition for it & it can be institued at any time. It's the best lawful & non-violent way to actually threaten the jobs of these elected postitions & once it's begun, they can do nothing about it.

A civil activist group called Guardians of the Free Republics tried something similar, but it doesn't seem to work because they attempted to create new De Jure Grand Juries to pass some effective measures against our law-breaking elected officials...But it seems they tried this without grass-roots support & their efforts are getting stalled.

However, just taking the time & effort to educate the public on the active record of the Oath-breaking official (yes, publicize the truth & let his own record speak for itself), then it shouldn't be hard to get the Recall Procedure started. Instead of fighting these jerkwads in small groups & taking maybe years to get any effect, this is a lawful, peaceful way to get it done within just a matter of months.

Another thing...Don't just work on the Mayor...Hit every single Oath-breaking official at the same time, right there in your own community. Don't just simply get them Recalled right off the bat, though; Get them to sign an legally-binding agreement that insures that, if they continue to act as an Oath-breaker, they can & will be arrested & hauled out of office & face charges in court. If they refuse to sign it, then tell them exactly what you're going to do, then do it...No secrecy, all above-board & legal, start your campaign to get them Recalled. There is no threat to any specific person involved here, just a threat to the job. You can bet your sweet bippy that, if they really like the "perks" of the job, they'll buckle in pretty quick once that job is threatened.

Get Constitutional people in office, chosen from the very same ranks of people that help with the Recall Ballots...After all, these are the same people that have been oppressed by those jerks & they've already shown that they're willing to stand up & do something about it. If you can get enough people worked up enough to vote out a jerk, it'll be easy to get enough people to vote someone else in & voila; You have real people in office! Can you imagine how much better your community will be with real people in all of the offices? The Sheriff (who can arrange for any training requirements for literally, an unlimited number of deputies), the local Prosecutor, the Judges, the Court clerks (who are the real deciders of what shows up on the judges' dockett!) & the Mayor? Once your community is straightened out, it'll be easier to spread the idea to other communities & so on.
BTW, once you're on the local level with the Sheriff & a whole slew of deputies, you'll be able to arrest & confine Fed agents who try to butt in...After all, Fed agents normally show up in fairly small groups, but what are they going to do if there's hundreds (maybe a few thousand!) deputies with the Sheriff showing up to arrest them for violating their Oaths of Office?! It's all legal & it's even in line with the Sheriff's (& deputy's) own Oaths of Office to "defend, protect & uphold the Cosntitution."
After all, the Constitution doesn't defend itself...It just sits there. It's up to We the People to defend it...That's the vision that the Founding Forefathers hand in mind all along, anyway!

This kind of plan was already posted on YouTube. I saw it posted by someone else in a thread around here somewhere, but I can't find it...If someone else can find it, help me out by posting the proper credits for the original poster, please.

Restore America Plan, Real or Not? (5-part video) The link here only brings up Part 1, but it's very easy to access the other 4 parts from the same page.
The first 5 videos bring up some valid thoughts about whether the Guardians are really trying to go about it the right way, why it's taking so long to get anywhere, is it really working at all, etc.

Restore America Plan - Alternatives
The next 7 Parts talk about a more open & realistic method that can work, by people taking their cities back, one after the other, spreading to the county-level, then state...Pretty soon the Feds got nothing to stand on & no public support to keep violating their Oaths. Again, this link only starts at Part 1, but the other parts are easily found on the same webpage.

Each part runs about 10 minutes (more or less) so it'll take about 2 hours to view them all. I think it's 2 hours well-spent & well worth serious consideration...

[edit on 29-4-2010 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

The opposition against this bill is over the fact American born hispanics and latinos could be harassed and forced day in and out to prove their citizenship. Taking a walk to the shops? Wheres your papers? Going to the mall? Wheres your papers? Taking a walk through the park? Where your papers. American citizens will be under the scope and under constant scrutiny to have to defend their citizenship. THAT is the problem with the bill and it has little to nothing to do with any rights of any illegal.

In anycase this bill does little more than divide. In terms of changing the situation facing Arizona and other border states the bill will not change much other than make it legal to harass anybody who simply 'looks' illegal.

Those political politicians backing this bill know full well it is a complete waste and that in the end it will cost Arizona. But hey, it scores them constituents for the 2010 elections? In about a year or so people will still be complaining about illegals and how its 'out of control'.

I like the idea of moving troops to the borders or increasing this national gaurd. Folks argue that its too late for the Federal government to do this. Really? Where were Arizonan representitives for the last few years on this deal? Ah yes, they were pushing for more troops to be sent to iraq and Afghanistan! Wonderful!

Likewise, take in the bill as some achievement. The costs will come out in time.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I would like to say, numerous states have called for the feds to do something over the years. But because the feds have taken over the STATE National Guards they are not allowed to make decisions on the use of their own damn troops.

So, the purpose behind the feds inactivity in enforcing immigration laws?

Let us take a look at their proposal-

Reid Schumer Menendez Immigration Reform Bill (Draft)-Here it is

Well well well, looks to me like the Conspiracy Factualists have had it right all along.

Real Id and Amnesty.

Hmmmm. Cause problem, institute solution. Even though it is not a solution just more control parameters and utter denial of the RULE OF LAW!

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by TXRabbit

Oh, I am Sorry, I was mistaken in the poll I was paraphrasing.

I found it, here we go!

70% of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration

Oh, and here is another poll, since collectivist like to state the will of the people-

Nationally, 60% Favor Letting Local Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status

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