posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:21 PM
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been busy. I must admit, when I was doing my personal research into the mysteries of the body and I found
the link I posted for this thread, I was NOT expecting the prediction at the end, and this was wayyy before this Aussie B stuff and snowball thing.
My initial ideas about the pyramids (which I still believe) was that the physically represent the way the human heart (mater pump at the base of the
pyramid) entrains the body and brain (our brain is our " weaker" reality receptor and transmitter compared to the heart) and explains our
interaction with physical reality through the two mediums of 1: Melanin and 2: Water.
The fact that the pyramid and all or reality is crystalline in form and water is indeed EVERYWHERE even in space is a suprise that I am still getting
Look in a pond at your reflection. That reflection is exaclty what this reality and all experiences are and how our energy of intent (emotions) cause
the ripples we see and feel.
Anyway, I hope most of you get to see and read this sight, and do some soul searching. Don't get too caught up in the numbers...they are just
Soooo, if you go online and research the net about worldwide pyramid locations you will find that they are all over the place!
I think that they are not only a triangulation system for WHERE the astroid(s) will come from, but when activated and working in unison, they can
serve as a means to harmlessly use the earth's geo energy as a supremely more advanced EM system to deflect any NEOS
BTW, any connections between the "systemic anomaly" which causes the matrix to reboot (6th one, every 6,000 years) or the ONE, NEO and Near Earth
Just my take and views on things