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Santiaguito volcano awakens in Guatemala

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:06 PM
"Unusual" and "violent" display from Santiaguita volcano in Western Guatemala.

The Santiaguito volcano showered sand and ash on Monday over a large area of western Guatemala in an "unusual" and "violent" display, the national seismological institute said. The institute said winds were carrying the ash in a northeasterly direction from the 2,500 metre (7,500 foot) high volcano in the province of Quetzaltenango, 206 kilometres west of the capital. The ash plume spread across six provinces, raising fears of damage to crops, the institute said while classes were suspended at schools in three provinces. Advertisement: Story continues below Santiaguito's worst eruption occurred in 1929 when 2500 people were killed.

Santiaguito is an active volcano - worth reading up on her

[edit on 26-4-2010 by MoorfNZ]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:10 PM
The Earth is waking up, and we minuscule biological pests had better hang on, it's gonna be a rough ride!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:23 PM
Wow...I've really been trying to keep a rational head about all this, but it is getting harder and harder...

Haiti quake
Chile Quake
China Quake
Quake in Idaho?! (Honorable mention since it's where I live... a 4 pointer at that)
Iceland volcano
Mississippi tornado
Guatemalan volcano

Yup, really trying to stay rational here. Just trying to keep a cool head

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by warpcrafter

I'm just wondering if there is, in fact, an increase in frequencies of natural disasters or Earth is just going through its motions just as it did for millions of years and if we are in fact, due for an recycling of sorts just as we went through some time before recorded history, I believe the worst occured 70 thousand years ago when the volcano Toba blew up and in the years ahead of famines and such, humanity was reduced down to what, a hundred or less of breeding pairs?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:39 PM
Ya know,

I was reading some things last night about the unusual lightning at Eyja, there was also unusual lightning seen during the Katrina (and the other two hurricanes during that time period).

I am not a Haarpist but I do think something strange is going on with all these "natural" disasters.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:40 PM
Wasn't the individual in New York who was stabbed and left by passerby's to die from Guatemala? Not suggesting anything, just noting fact, and a curious one at that???? Hmmmmmm

[edit on 26-4-2010 by freetree64]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:53 PM
Run through Google Translate so forgive the occasional weird wording!

The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (Conrad) has raised its alert to orange building (prevention) due to activity from 0650 local time today (12.50 GMT) introduced Santiaguito volcano in Quetzaltenango department, "said that institution in a statement, Reuters said. According to the report of the Unit of Research and Geophysical Services of the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh), the Junior "maintains a period of eruptions" that has generated abundant flows of volcanic ash explosions. These explosions have raised "gray ash columns 27 300 feet (8323 meters) above sea level direction was Palajunoj communities and Loma Linda, the department of Quetzaltenango, about 200 kilometers west of the capital. The authorities have recommended to suspend classes in schools of the area concerned neighbors and caution to avoid inhaling the ash, which they can cause serious health damage. The Conrad also recommended that the Civil Aeronautics Directorate avoid flying around the volcano within a radius of ten miles to prevent accidents. The Junior, located seven miles east of the city of Quetzaltenango and at an altitude of 2,250 meters above sea level, was established early last century as a result of a strong eruption of Santa Maria, whose skirts formed. Although the last eruption of this volcano, regarded as a strong case in July 1922, since then it is common to see clouds of smoke over the crater.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:53 PM
Alert decreed Guatemalan volcano activity
martes, 27 de abril de 2010 Tuesday, April 27, 2010

26 de abril de 2010, 22:31 Guatemala, 26 abr (PL) La actividad iniciada hoy en el volcán Santiaguito, el cual presenta un período de erupciones, obligó a las autoridades guatemaltecas a declarar alerta naranja. April 26, 2010, 22:31 Guatemala, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The activity initiated today in the Junior volcano, which has a period of eruptions forced the Guatemalan authorities to declare an orange alert.

Ese coloso de dos mil 250 metros sobre el nivel del mar, localizado a 11 kilómetros al este de la ciudad centroccidental de Quetzaltenango, presenta flujos de explosiones con abundante ceniza a más de ocho mil 300 metros de altura. This colossus of two thousand 250 meters above sea level, located 11 miles east-central city of Quetzaltenango, presents abundant flows of ash explosions with more than eight thousand three hundred meters high.

La Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres declaró este lunes ese nivel de alerta en la zona de influencia del volcán, en varias comunidades del departamento de Quetzaltenango. The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction said Monday that level of alert in the area affected by the volcano, several communities in the department of Quetzaltenango.

En esas y otras localidades sugirió la Coordinadora suspender las clases ya la Dirección de Aeronáutica Civil evitar los vuelos en un radio de 15 kilómetros de la montaña. In these and other suggested locations Coordinator suspend classes and the Directorate of Civil Aeronautics avoid flying in a radius of 15 kilometers from the mountain.

Santiaguito tuvo una fuerte erupción en 1922 y desde esa fecha la salida de humo es constante desde su cráter. Junior had a major eruption in 1922 and since then the output is constant smoke from its crater.

lac/jf lac / jf

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Ohh, my tip off got a mention on the Eruptions blog

Plus, here's a photo on Flickr of the plume...

[edit on 27-4-2010 by MoorfNZ]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by warpcrafter

I believe the worst occured 70 thousand years ago when the volcano Toba blew up and in the years ahead of famines and such, humanity was reduced down to what, a hundred or less of breeding pairs?

Estimates on this vary, some say a population of 25,000 some say 100,000. There probably is some sort of consensus since the figures are produced by scientists and the data has probably been altered and the original discarded after being peer reviewed by signature.

As I understand it, about 500 pairs is the viable breeding minimum for for humans.

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