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A tip for Win7 users....

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posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 02:05 AM
I was reading Max PC today and they had some tips and tricks for win 7 users. Looked through it and most was ok but I wanted to high light one bit of info. Every region of the world has added in themes for that select region. So if you are US you get US themes, If you are Australian you get Australian themes, etc etc. So to get the other regions themes here is what you have to do.

Go to computer.

Open C:

In search box at top right search globalization (the folder will be a windows folder)

Open the Globalization folder and search again at top right MCT

This will bring up 5 folders for five different regions of the world. Each with beautiful scenery from around the globe.

Here is the source and hope you guys enjoy.


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