posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:10 PM
What i want to accomplish in this thread is to see the varius opinins pertaining to one of my favorite politicians, the man I supported in 2007 - 2008
who was snubbed by the republicans for being too radical. Everything this man said in 2007 forward, all the way to now, is exactly what I feel this
country needs and I know he is up to making it happen.
My opinion: Ron Paul 2012 all the way baby!!!!
This is it people, I want your opinions on this true American so that I can get somewhat of a consensus on what others think of him. Please, this is
an objective thread and I want your opinions, please no personal attacks on other ATS users giving their opinion, that is what I want, whether it is
positive or negative. Obviously you know where I stand, but i respect and wish to hear ALL opinions.
Also this is just for my own purposes, I do not work for any campaign office, government agency, or any other established body having to do with the
political field or media field in general.