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A look at how easily underground structures can be hidden

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 07:26 AM
In the uk we have this deep bunker in a town in essex called 'south woodham ferrers', there's a hill all the locals know as radar hill, because at one point it had a great big whopping radar on top of it. But yeh, pretty mental, me and a friend actually found an entrance in a part that's now fenced of, we looked down and it goes a looooong way down, I was young however but i swear i see people walking down there. black chnooks fly over every wednesday i think, could be monday, either one, but they fly over without fail and have done for about 5 years. My mate while i was at university which is far from home told me how recently they've had like 5 - 7 chnooks fly over at times.

Apparently it's formally known as 'Bushy Hill'

The base used to be owned by marconi.
It's quite clear also the base hides in plain site, it's got radio towers etc, but they're isn't much, except a few small building's, though the entire hill (which is large) is actually of limits now, but with barbed wire only. Im assuming one of those small building's takes you down to the lower levels.

Ive lived there for 11 year's and i have no idea what goes on there, not a thing, not one rumour, nothing because it's completely secret, just the occasional wild speculation.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Mr Zeropoint]

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Mr Zeropoint]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 07:36 AM
Can't believe I read to pages and not one person asking why they are building these things...
does anyone know why they are secret? Not asking questions is what got us to this point...those bases are for something...

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 08:19 AM
I've got an underground base on the Hill opposite (WW2) HMS Forward (not HMS Forward II or HMS Aggressive which are on different hills) anyway one of the main entrances to the base was through a trapdoor inside a bedroom of the Guinness Trust Holiday Home.. real secret squirrel stuff..

So it is easy hide a significant base right in-front of someone's eyes.. I wonder how many secret squirrel places like that exist in the world..

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:19 PM
that is so cool...i wish i lived in a place where things like that were around...the best thing around here is an old state hospital...walking through those bunkers and tunnels would be so awesome...and might i add a little bit more comfortable than some state hospital and college steam tunnels...

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 06:32 AM
i am sorry - but the mine you cite [ loc 34° 3'16.04"S 150°26'48.84"E ] is bloody blatantly obvious

maybe my interests - of industrial archeology and exploring / documenting the disused stone , slate , coal and metal mines of the UK

but the evidence all screams ` major mine `

and yes - i can tell its a mine as oposed to a quarry such as the one here :

33°48'37.90"S 150°39'50.63"E

but going back to your mine - what is this ?

34° 2'40.79"S 150°25'53.51"E

just to the NW - the resolution on my GE is appalling - and i cannot tell if its a spoil / waste heap / dump or a quarried area

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

How is it obvious, did you see the map of the mine and structure workings??? is that obvious from the birds eye view is it??

Yes the mine processing plant is obvious and i clearly stated it is a mine and nothing more, the purpose of this thread is to show the extent of underground areas that can be easily disgused.

Look at the map of the mine structure and tell me that it obvious from the surface buddy!!

If you dont have anything productive to add then please refrain from making mundane statements

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 08:30 AM
I agree that a old disused mine could be used for what is stated, as there are many that do go deep underground.

the problem with some or most are that they have been caved in through age, flooded or blocked by the mining companies before leaving making them dangerous for those who enter.

having some secret bunker out there would also still need to be protected somehow by those who built them, too many prospectors and such would otherwise quite easily find them while exploring through some of these old sites that haven't any fences or personell around to keep people out.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by redgy

natural cave systems as well as mines work quite well for the purpose, I know one in the UK that sat on an underground cave system..

A cave system that was *cough* lost during WW2 when the base above was first carved out.. over the years the base has been expanded..

I worked on it in during the 1980s when it was dug out deeper.. but even so most of underground base was off limits.. it was dug out again after that, and is now this Nuke Bunker (central HQ for SE England) is a police training center.. haha

That is nearly 65 years of expansion.. and with a lost cave system thrown in leads me to wonder how big it really could be down there..

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

I think it may just be a collapse of some kind from the cliff wall, possibly from blasting in the mines, although i may be wrong.

I do know it is a mine, i wasnt trying to say it was anything sinister, just trying to point out how big underground structures or mines can be unnoticable from the surface unless you know they are there. If the surface buildings and processing areas were not there, you wouldn't know anything was there at all. Just look at the map of the mine structure, it's massive.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by PPGrocks

Yeah it was interesting and fun going down there back in the days lol, although a little spooky. some of the side rooms and bunkers were so pitch black!!

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by redgy

Really who knows what it is being used for, all that time and money spent of excavating caverns and tunnels. What an investment!!!

I mean if the mining company doesnt wanna use it anymore then hey i bet they would sell it for a bargain!!

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:10 AM
The thing that worries me is why many governments are building these underground facillities.... in secret....there is no real threat unless they know about something we do not.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by zatara

I guess there would only be two possibilities we can consider, as you said the government may or indeed know of something that would inspire a need for these types of bukers or secret facilities. All governments have national secrets, things they will not even share with thier own population. To me this is wrong and a bad way of thinking and if true is a disgrace to all people. We are all equal and deservoe to be treated as such.

The second possibility is that with any organisiation that is in charge, there will always be contingency plans. We can never be sure of what is to occur in the future and the only way to prepared for any event at all is to plan in advance and be prepared.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by zatara

I guess there would only be two possibilities we can consider, as you said the government may or indeed know of something that would inspire a need for these types of bukers or secret facilities. All governments have national secrets, things they will not even share with thier own population. To me this is wrong and a bad way of thinking and if true is a disgrace to all people. We are all equal and deservoe to be treated as such.

The second possibility is that with any organisiation that is in charge, there will always be contingency plans. We can never be sure of what is to occur in the future and the only way to prepared for any event at all is to plan in advance and be prepared.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 08:24 PM
The area around the Nattai mine (near the Burrogorang Valley as in OP) down to Picton across to Appin to the outer reaches of Campbelltown (where i live) is a mine subsidence area. There are a ton of mines in the area.

Picton Mine Subs
Appin Mine subs
Sth Campbelltown
Wilton Mines subs
Bargo area

Just look on Google Earth to see them, you cant miss it.. eg West Cliff Colliery at Appin covers an area of 4km in length. I always find these places quite odd being so close to the Sydney Catchment (water supplies).
So we'll look at the Sydney catchment Authority and look at the places that we cannot access.
Blue Mountains to Coast access
Funnily enough these mines are all on the edge of these Restricted Access areas.

Image of one of the warning signs in the Blue Mountains


What an ideal place for a D.U.M.B

Hikers who have actually penetrated the region and who, while camping at night, have claimed later to have heard the throbbing of some sort of machinery coming from below the ground. The implications of this, as far as Ufologists are concerned, is that there exists in the farthest reaches of the valley-well known for Yowie and other mysterious animal sightings-a secret base inhabited by extraterrestrials. It is not my intention to offer any possible explanations or theories for the possible presence of extraterrestrial visitors, a field already well gone over by other more involved in this field than I. However, as a seeker of the unexplained I merely present the evidence here for others to draw their own conclusions.

and supposed underground base in the Blue Mtns
RexGilroys Mysterious Australia
smack bang in the Restricted Section 1 Zone

So i do suspect something may be there. Maybe a 'bushwalk' may be on the agenda

edit on 2-1-2011 by lavenlaar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by lavenlaar

Thanks for the links!! There is alot more about the Hill 60 area as per my post on the first page of the OP. If your interested PM me...

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