posted on Mar, 5 2003 @ 06:42 PM
In a word, yes! And I'm not referring to "most money"...ALL of the money (that's not made of gold or other percious metals) is counterfeit.
The Federal Reserve is nothing like its name implies...
It's *not* under the control of Congress as the Constitution demands, so it's "Federal" *nothing*...It's actually a coalition of *private
international banking concerns*.
It's not in charge of keeping reserves of gold, as it *must* do for backing a gold-based economy. Most of the gold that been in reserve for this
country's economy *is* being held by the Federal Government, but the FR only issues "script"...Not money or gold. Why do you think they can't
print the dollar sign on that script? If they do, then they're infringing upon the Right of Congress to "coin" our money.
The Consitution forbids ursary...But since the banks call it "interest", they've fooled everybody into buying into their lie. They *issue* only
enough script to cover loans (Which are *not* backed by gold, remember), but put nothing into circulation to cover the ursary they charge...Since
there's not enough script in circulation, people find it impossible to earn enough to pay back that "interest charge". At that point, the Federal
Reserve (the banks) can illegally & Unconstitutionally confiscate (ie: repossess or foreclose) on *real* property that was originally purchased with
their Unconstitutional script in the first place. They *produce* no goods, but instead steal it away from others so that they can make investments in
those goods themselves.
John F. Kennedy was going to *disband* the Federal Reserve system & put the control of coining our money back into the hands of Congress, where it
should have been all along...But he was assassinated before he could accomplish that task. why do you think this country went into a massive
depression so soon after the Federal Reserve was initially founded? That's not a *symptom* of the problem...That was the *result of their planning*.
This is why our "economy" has been nothing but a "boom & bust" cycle all of these decades.
Don't feel so bad...The government has fallen into their trap as deeply as the general public has. Why do you think the national debt is really as
high as it is these days? Government overspending is one reason, but what about all of the "interest" (ursary) that's been tacked onto that
principal amount? If there's not enough "money" (script) in circulatin to cover the interest, what do you think that does for giving us the ability
to pay off the pricipal? After a time-period (usually each month, but some credit cards start charging interest on the same day as the original
purchase), the ursary charge becomes *part of the pricipal*, which actually raises the pricipal so they can tack *more* interest on.
Result: A never-ending downward spiral of unpayable debt, which they use to *illegally take possesion of real property*, even when the banking system
produces no real goods that can be sold or bartered.
They start with nothing but a promise, which the government can't even back up because they are not a *part of the government itself*.