posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:05 AM
Coping mechanism is exactly right, I was on a Geological field trip when one of our colleagues fell from a 200 ft climb, I've seen people die before,
as shocking as it is your brain instantly tries to find a way to cope, one of my closest friends piped up # he owed me $50 (he didn't really) but
later speaking to him, he said it was the first thing he could think of saying, not because he was being a heartless bastard, because I know him
better than that, it was the only way he could cope with seeing a dear friend laying dead in front of us.
The tears came later after we had a chance to pull ourselves together a little, there where a lot of what would be deemed sick jokes flying around on
our way home and for days later, if you don't find that instant release or way of coping, you would go insane.
IMO the whole video release was mismanaged, saying that, the destruction of the van is inexcusable, the soldier was right a warning shot could have
prevented the death of these innocent Children.
Just how far away are these Helicopters when they watch these people, for them not to be observed ?