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The ones that control light.

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posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:28 PM
I was just wondering what would happen if someone or thing some how was able to control light? Would they be able to funk with people w/o getting caught due to the instantanousness that is light? If so what would anyone be able to do about it if the light controls are able to target individuels instead of the whole of our socity?

If they are able to control light then they are able to control thing in quantum makeing it hard to predict due to schilinger's cat. Waves and particles control to some quantum computer degree could get in any point in space time!!! Anyone anywhere and that is fear cause light is not dark but intilight could exsist making anything possible which makes illusions magic and magic a perceived reality to the insaone ones amongst us!.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:31 PM
"They control light"

It is possible I believe to control light from hyperspace making long distance spookyness possible.

Aliens? or something differant of the mind that is the current science we think we know.

Anything is possible but nothing is possible without anything soo....

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:38 PM
To save the line, how do we stop it!!!

Is the line cracked via some other dimension we do not yet grasp? Or is the line a line that will stay a line if others are wise via thought line thinking whilst others are sacrifists via non line thinking via not staying with what fate provides w/o freewill of alone assumption. har har

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by wonderinghows
To save the line, how do we stop it!!!

We just stop snorting it .

...... and posting on ATS afterwards.


"They control light"


inebriated yes/ no ?

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 08:02 PM
yes I am to the quote at the bottom.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 08:04 PM
well that was a total waste of 60 seconds

no wait, the joke about the line up there
was decent

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by wonderinghows
yes I am to the quote at the bottom.

O.K ..... thats cool !

At least you are honest about it , we all need to blow off steam from time to time.

Would you have another shot at rephrasing your question relating to light ?


[edit on 20-4-2010 by UmbraSumus]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 10:39 PM
Well yes I am a SP but you already know cause apparently everyone is a scientologist and they are always watching so what I think is just brain damage. ha ha, line hurt so much when you are one the lone team unlike the ones that current reside in what ever view you are in. aka your body, hopefully things are cooler like I imagine (imagination is illegal to Americians, in other words, non Americians Imagine so the oven to make Americian citizens imagine more then current "policy") if not then I am not as evolved like I would like to imagine. Either way I still think people are more evolved then me, or healthcare should have been passed in the 90's lol either way the past is done and I am found.
cha cha cha

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by wonderinghows

this is soo weird....

i have no idea what you just said...
(edit: actually i do now)

but i really like it. lol

i had an old friend with a mind like yours...
interesting you are. lol

thanks for the smiles.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Ahmose]

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