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Teapartiers: What an outrage!

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
you paint it as someone being hasseled non stop to provide their "papers". that isn't very accurate. i doubt anyone in the nice parts of town will even be bothered. who will then? the people walking around, causing trouble, looking like they don't belong.

This is Arizona we're talking about here. You know, that state that makes the news frequently because of the illegal immigrant situation, ranchers getting shot, etc. Don't you think that people in that state have had enough problems with illegals that, were this made law, anyone and everyone who looks even slightly Hispanic is going to be stopped and asked for their papers? 1/3 of the state population is of Hispanic/Latino descent, it's not like the only people in Arizona who fit that description are illegal.

I'm sure more than a few people have had enough with the illegal population and this is going to end up with people just assuming that if someone looks like they could be from Mexico, well that must mean they are from Mexico whether they're in the "nice" areas or not. All it takes is a little bit of prejudice to make this blow up. How is it right that 30% of their population might be forced to prove they're citizens just on one person's suspicion that they might possibly be illegal based on their physical appearance?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:59 AM
each state can make its own laws as long as it does not conflict with the Constitutional amendments.

Each state has diffrent circumstances its citizens deal with.

With border states and the lawless-ness of the border states are having to get tough on this problem.

Like it or not if you don't live in a border state you will probably not know the issues they face.

There is full blown war just on the other side of the border.
Babies being killed blood in the streets, police killed,mayors murdered you name it. U.S. land owners having homes burned down. Mexican troops crossing into the us in helicopters. One instance Mexican military came in to the states and stopped a convoy of police that just confiscated drugs.
They took the drugs from the sheriffs at gun point and made there way back to the other side.

If obama does not care ok fine,if homeland security does not care ok fine those people are thousands of miles away and don't deal with our problems and i don't expect a sitting president to put it on the agenda.

There is a very real threat to the southern states being overrun violently and the feds will just say hey its not our problem.

We will fix the problem K Washington keep your mop obama, we will use our shovels.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by TaxpayersUnleashed]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Logarock
All true but Arizona is having some problems right now that are particular to the area.

Exactly my point. Hostilities are high in that area of the country, and rightly so considering what the illegal population there is doing. All it takes is one good spark for this whole thing to combust and innocent people will take the fall just because of their appearance. Something needs to happen to fix it, but American citizens shouldn't face the prospect of being forced to prove they're American based on what they look like.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Now Skunknuts, you know darn good and well that tea partiers only protest when they can walk around with signs slamming Obama and calling him Marx and Hitler. Since it's a state issue they don't care about the loss of freedoms that they can't blame on Obama.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:18 AM
this is a very tough situation for me considering i'm a legal immigrant residing in the south. I understand why some people want tougher laws but goin by the looks on your face to determine where you're from is well not such a good idea...

I do mind the part that some Rep said they thought the law was discriminating against people who employ illegals or help them into the country
what has this guy been smokin? This is exactly the problem, people hiring illegals. Stop the money and they will stop coming, simple as that.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

Skunknuts, how closely do you follow the tea party people to find out what they are up to? What would be your major news sources to know what the tea party is doing next?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:26 AM
Show me your papers; a phrase synonymous with Nazi Germany. So down that road we go, or do we?

Time Wave Zero shows our current energy to be overlapping the late 30's leading up to WWII right about now. The world is reflecting it, some see it, some don't. Whether you believe it or not is not even the issue. Those that plot against a free abundant society do believe it and they are pulling the strings to that end.

People still don't get it. The Mexicans are not the problem, they are just more fodder being thrown our way to make us angry. Our borders have been open forever, and now 233 years later someone wants us to worry about it?

Typical American neighbor relations mentality. Screw you, screw you more, then lock the gate. Had we concerned ourselves with making good neighbors when we setup shop in this part of the world, we would all be living in abundance, Mexico would be strong and her people satisfied to be where God placed them.

Think about this... A Mexican is the richest man in the world. If the richest man in the world hails from our poorest of neighbors can we at least agree that TPTB have set it up to be that way?

We have to stop pointing fingers at the OTHER unfortunate people that have been lied to, mistreated and deprived a natural life, in a natural environment and realize the puppet masters are at it again.

I think we should remember Martin Luther King Jr's. words when he said something to the effect of injustice to one is injustice to all.

Remember also that we can tweak that WWII poem and make it more current as in: first they came for the undocumented laborers, but I wasn't one so I did not speak, then they came for those who've stayed beyond their visa's expiration, but again I was not one so I did not speak.

You know this poem ends with you standing alone, up against the same enemy with the only difference these days being the name of the camp. Fema Camps replace Concentration Camps but the idea remains the same. Imprison humans.

Face it folks, in their eyes, we're All Mexicans.

Divide and Conquer, works on any group, on any land with the same effectiveness. Here we have 8 pages of people who should be seeing their unity and finding a way to come together, but instead choose to express their "perceived" differences and continue to traverse the same roads that lead to the suffering of millions of people over 60 years ago. History repeats itself because we keep falling for the same old lines our parents and grandparents fell for.

Don't worry, vote in November, this guy is different, he's gonna do what he said he was and everything's going to be alright...

Sound familiar? Go ahead, keep participating in these stupid he said she said battles while TPTB rob the cupboard bare, and deprive your children of a natural existence.

How much history do you need to swallow before you lose the taste for it?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by VintageEnvy
Teapartiers don't care about other people's liberties, they just care about making noise about things they have no solutions to. They protest against taxes in public funded parks for christ sake.

Nicely put! Most Tea party members have no idea why they are even members or what they plan on doing after they are done whining like immature spoiled rich kids and spitting our racial slurs.

In a way, I blame the federal government for forcing states like AZ to pass these types of laws. It seems all people really want is a way to control the flood gates of illegal immigration. As the Feds have shown, they obviously don't care about the problem and half ass it the same way they half ass everything else they stick their paws into.

I wonder how long its going to take Mexicans, South Americans and other immigrants to realize that they are probably just better off staying where they are and that America doesn't hold all the answers.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Imightknow
Nicely put! Most Tea party members have no idea why they are even members or what they plan on doing after they are done whining like immature spoiled rich kids and spitting our racial slurs.

And you know this because you've obviously taken the time to ask most tea party members individually, right? No? Didn't think so.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

they are only trying to protect their religion. they say it time and time again.

they aren't trying to make the world a better place, just trying to keep it how its been for ages. any change is seen as blasphemy; especially with the president being black and all. 'led da muslam bern n' Hell'

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by damwel
Now Skunknuts, you know darn good and well that tea partiers only protest when they can walk around with signs slamming Obama and calling him Marx and Hitler. Since it's a state issue they don't care about the loss of freedoms that they can't blame on Obama.

You may have been sarcastic, but there is truth in your statement.

I have been saying something similar in other threads about taxes. They totally ignore obscene state and local taxes despite the fact that they are higher for many people than federal taxes. Which is odd since it's suppose to be an anti-tax party.

They don't even say a peep about the state run socialist property tax funded education system. A system that demands payments or eventually seizes your property and throws you out in the street. Not a peep out of them.

This is why I refuse to support them. The constitution and bill of rights do not end at the state borders.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:02 AM
If you are in a Southwestern state and you are looking for illegal aliens don't you think you would be a little more interested in questioning Hispanics rather than Blacks or Nordic types? PC is killing this country and the ACLU is helping.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

"You there, papers!" demanded the burly and shaved head cop in his crisp black battle uniform with combat boots to the vaguely Mexican looking woman pushing her child in a stroller.

"Go get 'em!" belligerently shouted the old Tea Partier ambling his obese body down the sidewalk.

"Go back to your own home!" nastily yelled a woman driving by with a fish emblem on her minivan.

Welcome to America, circa 2010. Full of intolerant, cowardly, fear-ridden, hateful and hypocritical people. So long as they get what they want, they embrace a police state.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

Here is an issue that separates the true libertarian Ron Paul tea-partiers from the authoritarian Sarah Palin republican in sheep's clothing tea-baggers.

Last time I checked, conservative Ron Paul is still a Republican. He ran as a Libertarian back in 1988 and vied for the Republican nomination in 2008. He's no dummy. 2012 will be interesting.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by pajoly

That has got to be the most ignorant and hate-filled scenario that I have ever had the misfortune to stumble across. Why don't you just say that you hate everyone that isn't you and/or doesn't share the exact same thoughts you have? It'd be much quicker and just as effective.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by pajoly
reply to post by skunknuts

"You there, papers!" demanded the burly and shaved head cop in his crisp black battle uniform with combat boots to the vaguely Mexican looking woman pushing her child in a stroller.

"Go get 'em!" belligerently shouted the old Tea Partier ambling his obese body down the sidewalk.

"Go back to your own home!" nastily yelled a woman driving by with a fish emblem on her minivan.

Welcome to America, circa 2010. Full of intolerant, cowardly, fear-ridden, hateful and hypocritical people. So long as they get what they want, they embrace a police state.

In a recent science magazine I read about a study where people of various races were shown pictures of other people and asked "Is this person an American?"

Guess what happened? Most caucasions heavily skewed their choices to other white faces!

Only when we understand our own bias can we truly understand the depth of our ignorance in regards to how these laws are enforced.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:25 AM
This might have something to do with the new law. I say GO Get THEM!

The number of tunnels being used to smuggle illegal drugs across the Southwestern border grew by more than half from 2008 to 2009, according to a March 25 report from the National Drug Intelligence Center.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents stationed along U.S.-Mexico border discovered 26 illegal tunnels – a 60 percent increase over the 16 tunnels that authorities discovered in 2008.

Most of the subterranean routes were discovered in Arizona, with 20 found in the “Tucson Sector” – a 262-mile long section of the border from the New Mexico state line to Yuma County, Ariz., the NDIC reported in its 2010 annual drug assessment.

These handy dandy little tunnels can be used for smuggling of all types.
Hell, even illegal pets.

There is clearly a big problem on our southern border!!!!! Nothing new just ask a rancher. Enough is enough. This is not a tea party issue.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:32 AM
The Consistution empowers the government to stop, question, and detain a person for cause. Violation of immigration laws are cause. Why would anyone think other wise.
Perversion of the consistution to justify a political agenda will not work.

Light Up the Darkness

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:33 AM
I could care less what the Tea Party's stand on this issue is. If you haven't paid your dues, don't expect to be treated as if you had.

You act like these people have the Rights guaranteed by our Constitution. They don't. The law of the Constitution only apply to citizens of the United States.

I don't walk into a night club and expect VIP treatment because I'm not a VIP. Should I attempt to sneak into the VIP room and drink champagne and eat caviar I'd also expect to be kicked out promptly when I couldn't present my VIP pass to prove that I'm suppose to be there.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

In spite of your "baiting" the illigal immigration question as a proof of liberty loving Americanism, Teaparty loyalty is meaningless. The Teaparty was quickly and quietly "taken over" by the Republican party several months ago. As is, it's nothing more than an outlet for frustration for the disgruntled, while TPTB gobble-up the rest of your liberty and freedoms.

The Republicans seem to have a memory loss of what happened to liberty and freedom under 'ol DubYa's conservative Republican rule from 2001-2009. Evidently, according to the die-hard Republicans, it's the liberal Obama administration who brought everything down in the last 15 months.

American's will argue semantics of left/right fault, all the while, ignoring that the banksters are tightening their grip on control of America. We have several generations of young people who have been taught that our salvation is in the hands of a globalist NWO government.

Truth is, if you believe the country can be saved by our current political leaders (Dem or Reps), you may as well line up for your implant and learn the fine art of proper boot licking of your NWO owners.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by romanmel]

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