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Oklahoma City Bombing Mathematically Impossible Coincidence

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 10:28 PM
As we just pass the 15 year anniversary of the horrible tragedy,
I just came across a bit of truth unbeknownst to me after a good deal of
"was it a conspiracy"research about the bombing...

I never came down, like 9/11/, to the sure belief it was a false flag.

Then I learned this:

Two years earlier than the bombing, in 1993, Martin Keating, the brother of Oklahoma’s Governor, Frank Keating, wrote a novel called “The Final Jihad.”

In his book, a man bombs an Oklahoma City federal building!

That alone shocked me!

Then the 1000000000000 to 1 coincidence:

The character was named... Tom McVeigh

NBC Source:

"Apparently, before the bombing, Governor Frank Keating’s brother, Martin, had been working on a novel about a terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City. Stranger still, one of the characters in the novel was named Thomas McVeigh.”

Keating dedicated his book to “the Knights of the Secret Circle.”

Could he be referring to the Knights of the Milner-Rhodes Round Table, or some other sub sect of the NWO Illuminati and their secret societies?



Feds notify Governor before, to secure complicity and who knows what else.

He tells brother, who gets the idea to 'fictionalize' the 'future history' in order to profit-
like it would trigger a best seller (clearly it did not).

QED... Feds (along with 2 other bombs and shape charges) bombed their own building.

Company hired to deal with rubble of OK City and 9/11?

Controlled Demolitions, the #1 company (not for clean up- for the explosive placing for legal demos by private developers)...




posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 10:47 PM
This is weird, I never knew about the book. I always thought that allegdedly McVeigh got the idea from a book called The Turner Diaries. I just got done watching a 2-Hour movie event on MSNBC called the McVeigh tapes. You know, they never did find John Doe #2...

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
This is weird, I never knew about the book. I always thought that allegedly McVeigh got the idea from a book called The Turner Diaries. I just got done watching a 2-Hour movie event on MSNBC called the McVeigh tapes. You know, they never did find John Doe #2...

It's now believed that John Doe #2 was Jose Padilla.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by tonygal]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:16 AM
Thanks for posting this. It's the first I've heard of that.

I came to the conclusion that OKC was an inside job by other means, ie the 2-3 undetonated bombs that were safely removed from inside the building, at least one attached to a gas pipeline, according to FEMA, DoD, and Army memos, civilian affidavits and other documents that can be found online.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:33 AM
It should also be noted that McVeigh made no bones about his motives and that they were a response the undeniable criminality of the U.S. Marshal Service and the F.B.I. at Ruby Ridge, followed by the fiasco at Waco. Under Clinton's Presidency, the federal government had made an extraordinary show of abusive force, which has all but been forgotten today, while the big government advocates love to point out McVeigh as all that is wrong with anti-government sentiment. While people love to point the Oklahoma bombing as a tragic moment in U.S. history, that it wound up becoming a public relations tool to demonize ordinary citizens, is not in doubt.

Even if McVeigh acted on his own and was not a government operative, that the federal government seized upon the moment and used it to minimize the reality of Waco and Ruby Ridge is clear. I have always suspected McVeigh is in some Caribbean Island some where sipping Mai Tai's and living large, while the U.S. continues its steady march towards tyranny.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Well, I never figured McVeigh got off his death sentence. That in and of itself is a hell of a CT.

One thing I have always thought though, at least McVeigh had the BALLS to say to hell with the normal rounds of appeals and procedures that would have allowed him to live longer in jail. That could be said to part of the reasoning behind your theorem.

Oh hell, the more I read of each and every incident over the time of my adulthood, the more I feel our government in general has become the tyrant of biblical proportions. I guess I have lost my delusions of my youth, and I see more and more people falling this way.

OP, I do not trust anything I cannot see myself. I try to use Occam's razor as much as possible. It seems we could just use the absolute proven technique that our government has instituted in the past and the present. They find and infiltrate a group that has been disillusioned by our government. They then go about creating, implementing, and carrying out the plans to demonize individuals and groups for the outcomes they want to create. You can see it by the New York arrests of the 4 "supposed" terrorists, you can see it implemented on the Hutaree, and you can see it with McVeigh.

Who are the terrorists? Those that create, implement, and carry out the act or the dupes they use to demonize them.

I think we are living in a terrorist organizational government entity.

Sorry, if a true attack was to be ever carried out, do you think it would involve an attack on a non descriptor building or would a true target such as the CoIntelPro MSM or the heads of such organizations such as the CFR or TRI Lateral Commission be the true targets?

Supposed targets that these individuals or groups are targeting are only incidental targets. Any true targets have never been targeted. Why is that?

I think we can all extrapolate the purposes behind these innocuous targets, the true progenitors of the problems can never be targeted. If they ever are, that is when you know that a TRUE attack has happened.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

One thing I have always thought though, at least McVeigh had the BALLS to say to hell with the normal rounds of appeals and procedures that would have allowed him to live longer in jail. That could be said to part of the reasoning behind your theorem.

This is indeed part of the reason I suspect that man is still alive. Take what you just said and combine that with the fact that McVeigh was practically begging to be arrested when pulled over by an LEO after the event, and considering that he claimed responsibility for this heinous event as a reprisal for Ruby Ridge and Waco, but then chose to remain silent afterward and not at all use his arrest and trial as an opportunity to speak to government atrocities makes the whole affair a suspicious one.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

What you just stated is WHY I started to look into CT's. Something just did not seem right about what McVeigh did and then did not do after being arrested then being convicted.

It just did not make Common Sense.

First he supposedly railed against the government, bombed a building, and then kept quiet about everything. I know the transcripts of the trial are available, but components of it are not released. Yet, he (McVeigh) kept quiet about things that he supposedly made the reasoning behind his actions.

Something just did not seem cogent in the whole episode in our history. Almost like a surreal dream.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:33 PM
incredible posts


Could Mcveigh have been an MK Ultra sleeper
to accept responsibility?


posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

Ok you said the brother was apparently writing a book.

Is there anything backing anything up or is this just speculation?

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Yep, remaining silent is often a tactic to avoid incrimination of oneself, but also to avoid incriminating or implicating others.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Miracle Man
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

Ok you said the brother was apparently writing a book.

Is there anything backing anything up or is this just speculation?

Wow, it's true.. trip out:

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by GovtFlu

Thanks for that clip.

That is from a major news channel out of OKC, I remember watching that lady every night before I moved away from Noble OK. That is pretty wild stuff. Has the book been published, if so is it still in circulation?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 12:11 PM
I just think this is a very important SMOKING GUN,
and I wonder why more of us are not interested in it...

THANKS for the great replies- and the VIDEO- wonderful!



posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Thank you for sharing this. It is truly an impossible coincidence - at the very least it shows absolutely and undeniably that there is something very wrong with the OKC bombing story that what we've been sold. Truly mind-blowing.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Miracle Man

Are we allowed to paste links from commercial sites? The book is on Amazon.

edit: Look at 2 of the reviews:

The Final Jihad is real I have trouble calling it fiction. Sources are impeccable; his insights into terrorists are uncanny. -- Jerry L. Emmons, former agent in charge, Tulsa office, FBI

The Final Jihad, a haunting novel that never lets you go. It’s prophetic may be the terrorists actual blueprint. -- Richard Wilson, King Features Syndicate

[edit on 4-5-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]

[edit on 4-5-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]

[edit on 4-5-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:47 PM
History Channel just did a show yesterday (first airing(?)) that showed how impossible the demolition was with simply the truck bomb all by itself, the blast radius (in terms of PSI) would not have been enough to crush some of the inner columns - and, others would/should have gone, if that were the case.

Just now looking into this - seems like MOST (if not all) major 'events' in our past, were probably perpetrated by our own folks. Nice.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

Yea , I've known about this for years , although I've not read the book yet .

I have read Turner Diaries tho , pretty damn radical .

Also , Frank Keating was a former FBI agent .

[edit on 8-6-2010 by okbmd]

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