posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 09:06 PM
Youre right, this is third story ive heard this week, and this week is the first ive heard of it, and if i heard it in the past then i dismissed it
and it would have been only once.
when i saw the post i thought of something. kind of off the wall but the kind of stuff i like to throw out for consideration.
in the bible there is something or other about humans speaking a common language and god was mad because humans were building towers and worshipping
idols so he took away their common language to confuse them. also in the hopi prophecies we all spoke a common language. maybe somehow these people
are accessing parts of their brain thru trauma and accessing that common language somehow, or perhaps are becoming enlightened somehow. maybe we are
evolving (or devolving if you like) back into a common language. (if we are i hope its gonna be russsian, they have a word for every type of feeling
and situation, very rich language!)
just a crazy thought, not well thought out or anything. could be worth considering!