Yes, I got the idea for a topic line from that other thread out there that sounds close when you read it. But reading (or rather looks) can be
The current world today was built on wars and stealing of land from other peoples and stealing of peoples from other countries. Would you say that
this is of a truth? No? Yes?
What would a new world be, you might ask? A new world is first established by changing the foundation. To do so is to newly restructure the world from
all angles. To do so is to abandon the history of the world to simply start anew. I know the world, minus governments, wants a world that is
boarderless where anyone can freely live in any stable and safe area of the world. To start anew we need to let go of the past. Don't let the past
dictate how we are to be hence anymore. And no, history wont repeat itself long as we bannish government period. There need not be any nations
anymore, and peoples should just be all humans, not white or black, not republican or democrat, not Christian (or any past religion) or atheist, not
sane or mental ill, etc. Are any of you following me here? Let go of the past that has many peoples in dangerous bondages that contribute to the
lacking of freedom.
The world needs a new world where the world doesn't seek to take back freedom but move forward for new found freedom. There has got to be something
other than government that will work for all humans. That something lies in responsiblities. Like if you have a problem with another human being, you
should be responsible to take on them how only you know you can. That's alone or with/through the help of fellow human beings. Anyone who fears lack
of government is a fool. Humans can hold up pretty well without entering into a form of all out chaos. And by the way, anarchy is not chaos,
regardless of the trashy lies you've been fed by governments that all prefer people in bondages.
All of this license for that, permit for this, passport or visa for this and that, is total B.S. You see how insects are free to move all over the
earth with no limitations or documentations. How is it that insects have it better than the most intelligent being on the planet called the human
being? If today's world makes insects look to have it better than humans, then something is terriblely screwed up. We should be above insects in
terms of freedom. Insects don't need a passport or a visa. Insects don't need a license to hunt. Insects don't use money. Insects don't need
lawyers. Insects don't need employers. Insects don't put other insects on protected 'endangered species' lists. Hey, with insects, when it's time
to find food for a meal, it's time to find food for a meal. So like, what's up with nations food blocking? Insects don't own land, they just occupy
what they build for a home. And certain insects don't even build homes but just simply use the entire environment as a place to crash so to speak.
If we can do like insects do we'd be well off than ever before.
All humans should be taught how to hunt for food and how to gut it and how to clean it and how to cook it. The new world should be one where animals
aren't removed from rooming freely in public areas, so humans can get their hunting on close to home. All humans should be also taught how to build
some type of home(s). Hey, food, water, and shelter are all so important.
[edit on 19-4-2010 by Tormentations]