posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Hi All,
I've been a long time reader, goes back a year or two. Reading thread to thread and across all boards. This site has been the best place to find out
what is going on in the world. Granted the MSM does a lot of this for us...I hold true that one shouldn't believe something just because someone else
told them too. I myself hold all conclusions until I have done my own research to persuade myself in what to believe.
There definitely is a good thing going here. I love the clashing of ideas and beliefs that go on in some of these threads. I just love to see both
sides of a view and see the research to back it up. I'm very surprised at how well people conduct themselves while in a heated debate. Although
there are times when it clearly is just he said/she said and neither is right. But what's a better way to livin' up a long thread, eh?
As rare as it might be, I'm sure you will see me posting on numerous threads, raring to get my thoughts and research out to the community. I hope
you'll respect my beliefs and thoughts as I do all of yours.
Any who, i'll see ya on the boards ATS'ers.