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Texas city revives paddling as it takes a swat at misbehavior

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posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by D.E.M.

Originally posted by drwizardphd
I was beat considerably more than you were as a child. I know of the ramifications it had for me.

And here is why we are in the situation we are today. People who WERE abused as kids taking a vendetta against this too far. Repressing their own anger at their abusers and using that fire to campaign against ANY punishment. Period.

Tip: If your father beat you as a kid, go smack him around a bit and get rid of your resentment. Stop campaigning for the silly-headed idea that children are angels and should never be touched under any circumstances.

Thank you but my father is currently 71 years old and a cancer survivor. I think he has had his fair share. He was also at one point a major alcoholic, and he has already gotten far past that point in his life. I have long since forgiven him.

As I said, I was not beat often as a child. I know from experience that, when I was beaten, I became a completely unmanageable child. By the time I was 10 years old or so, my parents changed their act around. I became one of the best behaved kids you could imagine. I went through the rest of elementary, jr. and high school without a single disciplinary infraction. No suspensions, no detentions, no trips to the office for bad behavior.

Beating/slapping/spanking/paddling your children is a last resort employed by unfit parents who are incapable of using cerebral forms of punishment with their children. A harmless slap every once in a while may not seem like much to the parent, but to the child the psychological repercussions can be permanent. I am not saying its the worst thing in the world for a child to experience pain - a little bullying builds character. However, physical pain should not come from somebody who is supposed to set an example as a moral superior and guardian (such as a parent or teacher).

You can debate the facts all you want, but numerous studies back up what I have said. They are not my own claims, after all. The negative implications of physical punishment are well-documented in the scientific community. The fact simply stands that in cases where physical punishment can be used, other forms of punishment are always more preferable.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by NickT916

I'm not a teacher of kids or a parent, so I can't say what I'd do.
In South Africa we had a very militarized system of shooling when I grew up, and caning was the norm, with a cricket-bat paddling second. However some teachers also punched and yanked you about, and in the system of physical punishment that was all excused.
Maybe in some cases it is necessary, but it gets so caught up with archaic ideals of "manhood" that females should be prepared to get archaic men.

But in good ole Texas that seems to be no problem, because whenever I hear of something "Taliban" harsh in the US (or something hyper-sexual) Texas is usualy in the same sentence. Why is that?

Sometimes it's Georgia, as I discovered when I aimed to research corporal punishment in the thread:

[edit on 16-4-2010 by halfoldman]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Not spanking and holding back have destroyed the schools.

Today in class I had a 9th grade boy bite a girl on the arm. He went out will security and was back in his next class. He does absolutely no work. For the last two weeks he wandered the halls constantly. Earlier in the year he lit a few posters in the hall on fire and was back in class the next period.

He will probably be a minority statistic in the prison system within a decade. I don't know about the rest of the country but around here those have been turned into factories.

The Dali Lama shocked a group of liberal educators by telling them "Fear is a motivator in learning," and that his teacher "had a yellow whip, holy whip, holy pain."

So kind to their egos and well being by not swatting them and holding them back. Now they are illiterate, cannot abstract think and are growing increasingly more and more destructive, violent and antisocial and growing in numbers.

Wake up you folks out there who are arguing for the ego, such propaganda was played and such a destructive force are these generations of undisciplined young. First grade teachers around here say its getting worse and worse with the latest students and earlier and connected to the early childhood dysfunction within the kid, the family and this culture.

[edit on 16-4-2010 by DChenO]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 06:39 PM
This idea blows. I'm not big on spanking. If my pubescent daughter gets too bitchy I smack her arm, I'm sure many of u can sympathize. I dont want anyone touching My child, ever. I'd consider that an assault on my child and would retaliate appropriately. Noone has the right to put their hands on someone else.


posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Demetre

Well the article does state this was requested by a majority of the parents. Also I imagine it would be like when I was in school. Your parent could opt you out or opt you in depending on how they feel about it. I don't think people are just going to be beat at random for no reason at all.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by DChenO

Some Buddhist meditation includes hitting the spine with a board, so I'm not too sure I'd take the Lama's word as functional proof for the West. There was cruel adult corporal punishment in Tibet as well.

Will you then also allow Muslim Madrassa schools to beat the feet of a child?

If you base beating on cultural norms, then why only children: soon these cultures will demand flogging for adults too. The Old Testament prescribes 40 lashes on the back for minor infractions.

At what age do you stop being a child? If it's paddling for children it's whipping for adults too, or else what message does it send?

So, 40 lashes for Tiger Woods for each woman he did adultery with.
That's an example for children, not just assaulting a child for wrong doing in a naughty society.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 07:18 PM
Its somewhat appalling at how people have so much aggression and anger that they need excuses to take it out on children who can't do anything back.
And that's all it is really. You're a pansy if you can't take a beating? Say that to my face. I am a lifelong martial artist and quite fond of weapons of all sorts. A pansy, I am not.

I just don't believe in masking your desire to hurt others as "punishment".
I have seen parents and teachers alike beat children with a gleeful smile on their faces. Its sick.

Maybe if parents and teachers weren't such PANSIES, they would be able to discipline children without resorting to crude violence.

My step father would go out of his way to find reasons to beat me. Such as making me ask permission to go to the bathroom. he even created the rule that I wasn't allowed to sneeze, just so he would have the chance to beat me as he cackled maniacally.

[edit on 16-4-2010 by Visual_Death]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 07:27 PM

For unexplainable reasons, Catholic Priests around the world are leaving the church in droves and applying to become school administrators in, of all places, Temple, Texas.

Now, why would that be?

[edit on 16-4-2010 by harrytuttle]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Good, glad they brought it back. As I recall, the rules for a teacher to do such was very simple, there had to be a witness present, usually another staff member to ensure that the paddling was 3 swats and could not injure the child. I also, after talking with my parents, found out that they had to approve such. I think that there needs to be more paddlings, spankings and more parental involvement in the life of a child.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

For unexplainable reasons, Catholic Priests around the world are leaving the church in droves and applying to become school administrators in, of all places, Temple, Texas.

Now, why would that be?

[edit on 16-4-2010 by harrytuttle]

I feel bad for laughing at that

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 07:57 PM
Sometimes I wish someone would spank those loud little kids in the store when their parents don't. It's ridiculous how people's kids are becoming so wimpy and more overweight than ever. What ever happened to telling your children to get the hell out of the house and play outside on a sunny day? Now you have parents bringing plate fulls of pizza rolls and sodas to the kids playing the video games at the sleep over upstairs, while it's sunny and 85 degrees outside.

Coming from a small town in East Texas with a population less than 3000, there is a big difference in the way children act than they do in the cities. Some of the most polite and honest good working people come from these small towns with outdated ways. Everyone I knew got spankings or "whippins" as we call them with a switch, belt, pong paddle, or a cut off row paddle. No one thought of it as child abuse, it was weird for people NOT to spank their children, still is actually. Being one who got their ass tore up every time they acted like a jackass, I am a firm believer that corporal punishment, when used right, will make a child think twice about the next time they want to act like a hooligan.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by milkmustache]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Visual_Death
Its somewhat appalling at how people have so much aggression and anger that they need excuses to take it out on children who can't do anything back.
And that's all it is really. You're a pansy if you can't take a beating? Say that to my face. I am a lifelong martial artist and quite fond of weapons of all sorts. A pansy, I am not.

I just don't believe in masking your desire to hurt others as "punishment".
I have seen parents and teachers alike beat children with a gleeful smile on their faces. Its sick.

Maybe if parents and teachers weren't such PANSIES, they would be able to discipline children without resorting to crude violence.

My step father would go out of his way to find reasons to beat me. Such as making me ask permission to go to the bathroom. he even created the rule that I wasn't allowed to sneeze, just so he would have the chance to beat me as he cackled maniacally.

[edit on 16-4-2010 by Visual_Death]

One time at Super 1, I saw these two men squaring off and one was claiming to be a something something black belt in some weird martial arts. That other man kicked his ass. Martial Arts didn't help him. A lot of people who immediately claim they are a martial artist have a low confidence in their fighting skills, or are the ones who join in hopes others will see them as a badass who shouldn't be messed with. Either way I will try to avoid conflict especially with a martial artist, but most people who look for a fight could care less what form of combat training one has. I'm a teacher of Krav Maga and Haganah for all anyone knows.

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