Born innocent. Maybe? Probably?
This thread is an outcome of idle curiosity. I saw an image of
Henry Kissinger as a child and
wondered if there was any foreshadowing of his future whilst a child? Did he or his parents have any inkling that he would become an international
influence. He's to become more than a footnote in someone else's biography...there's a good chance that 'war criminal' will be his epithet.
Whatever our opinions of the man, he has the shared blood of thousands on his hands. Here he is, just a small boy, smiling in the midday sun of
Germany 1938...
Henry's bottom front left
Out of morbid curiosity I looked for the childhood images of some of the 20th Century's most powerful leaders and notorious killers. Whatever drove
this curiosity, I don't know...probably the paperwork I still need to be doing. In a way, it was looking into an innocent face and searching for a
'Mark of Cain,' some dark aspect in the gaze or symptom of madness. In reality there doesn't seem to be any physical signs that a baby or child
will become a force of darkness in the lives of others.
Are they born that way? Are they raised that way? Are their consciences chipped away by their experiences and justifications for their deeds?
What soon became apparent is how interconnected all these lives are. If I was able to find images of more of our 20th Century icons in their youth
it'd be clearer. Nevertheless, an idle hour led to 'joining the dots.' Not in the typically ATS way, but in the acute awareness of how so many
lives are bound by the actions of so few. In this thread you'll see references to webs, ties, bonds, threads and links...all terms of connections.
In the case of
Lee Harvey Oswald, it's unlikely he knew he was caught in the web until
hours before his death. In looking at these historical images, it's hard to overlook that each of these individuals have been washed along by the
tides of history. They and their actions haven't existed in a vacuum. Human nature, corruption and politics are key factors. The families of most of
them were dysfunctional...several never knew their fathers.
Anyway, not all these kids look exactly like angels. This one right here grew to be responsible for millions of deaths. He literally spent evenings
authorising hundreds of death warrants with his signature. Conservative estimates for the number of dead
begin at 15 million...torture and starvation victims are unknown. Looking at his sweet little
face, there's a certain foreboding there....unless he was having a bad afternoon!
Joseph Stalin: Died 5th March 1953 suspected poison
This little Stooge lookalike needs no introduction, but perhaps a couple of snippets of information? I once read that Hitler was 'three times a
charm' for his mother who lost her previous children in childbirth. Adolf's father beat him and he beat his this image he's just a
little baby. How does 15lb of baby fat become an adult that history will forever condemn? Beating him as a child probably helped to form the man. As a
man he's competing with Stalin for blood spilt...there's a lot of debate about the figures. We can safely say it's
in the millions...
Cute little genocidal icon
Top centre looking like he rules Germany
Adolf Hitler died from poison in abject defeat
Next up was these two guys. Different backgrounds and wholly different upbringings. Oswald didn't know his dad. From the moment they were born, their
lives were threaded together and bound up in their own deaths. JFK and
Lee Harvey
Shot dead by Jack Ruby before seeing a Court Room
These two happy examples of the joyous relationship between father and son are still alive. History is furiously making notes in the margins and
sticking post-its up where she'll be able to see them later. By which, I mean the jury is still out on the effects these two have had on the lives of
others and the deaths they are partially responsible for. It's the
Bush Family...
Two Gulf Wars, a War on Terror, War on Drugs, War in Afghanistan, a Cyber War, a Cold War with Iran...possible connections to 9/11. Election fraud?
Friends with Mr Kissinger and a family relationship with the CIA. The potential for a large chapter in the history books is only as good as the
information surviving. The ultimate death toll is a work in progress...
The judgement is already in for this young boy...and it isn't good. Responsible for decades of killings and torture. His life was inextricably bound
to the the young Bush and his father...
Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein died at the end of a rope for crimes against humanity...or getting caught
Arguably, all the above have blood on their hands...JFK included. They've made massive impacts on 20th Century history that will see the ejecta
landing somewhere in future decades. Undoubtedly, the people involved in future conflicts and deaths will be able to follow a thread...a
connection...back to these people and their actions. Like a spider's web, one tap on the thread sends vibrations through all of it...
The next child is a shy one, his young face is almost absent from the public domain and the jury is out on his deeds...if not his character. From
early age, he was a fairly unpleasant person. Convicted for murder...some see evidence of a cover-up. The man he's convicted of killing is unlike the
others. Not through lack of drive, vision or personality. They all have these qualities. Where this guy is different is he died as a consequence of
being a man of peace....
Dr Martin Luther King with wife and children 1963...7 months before Oswald's death
James Earl Ray: Convicted killer of MLK
The children here have been a part of the same web that connects us all in some subtle way. This is our world and we share it. The connections
experienced by the stars of this thread run deeper. Events in history and family ties have bound them together. What ever process turns the
bright-eyed kids into culpable killers is lost on me. Their endings are violent in either a real or symbolic sense. In some peculiar way, I'm
reminded of small stones rattling around the same old can. I've drawn heavily on the web metaphor and I apologise for that. The thing is that reading
about these people it's hard to overlook the connections that bind them...or what the hell creates them...