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AstroEngineer Makes Space Summit Prediction

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:43 AM
The AstroEngineer posted something this morning about the space summit tomorrow. Unlike his previous post, this one gets the setup and grand reveal all in one post! He says he's been getting more people offering him jobs and been asking him about certain things in his resume which makes him feel like he has a guess abotu Obama's announcements at the space summit. Here's his bet:

President Obama will announce significant incentivization of the private space technology sector, enlisting the help of prominent figures and companies to do so, laying out an ambitious long term course to Mars, and the short term democratization of near-Earth travel. His plan will focus on commercializing space, making it profitable and growth-oriented, and making it something we all will be able to visit within our lifetime. He will seize on this as an opportunity to unite all the nations of Earth through a common goal and a forged common history, enlisting the aide of RKA, ESA, JAXA, CNSA , and ISRO, and encouraging their own nation’s private space technology growth.

For the whole post - My Space Summit Bet.

Not too far fetched, I guess. We'll see if he's right. He makes it clear he thinks he might lose the bet, but that it's his best guess. I think Hoagland also mentioned some international angle to the new Obama plan, not sure what other overlap there is.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:01 AM
not too bad if it pans out.

a new world order...without the scary soldier nightmare senario...very good (the spooky illuminati types will not like this turnaround...the NWO is theoretically supposed to be one of control over the people by a few, not the people controlling the few through cooperation).

I am not a mega believer in the NWO stuff, but if I was, I would be chuckling at watching their plans flop as of late. And they worked soo hard...almost had the perfect storm in the mid-2000's

What a change a few years can make.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:50 AM
very interesting, i hope this is what happens! The world as one needs to stop messing about and get into space, even if its just to mine the moon and explore!

reply to post by SaturnFX

have you ever thought that the NWO types might not be the people in power, but the people who shout against it at every opertunity ... like alex jones and co ...

its just as likely that them types who sound off on a global level about the evil illuminati being our leaders ARE infact the illuminati ... why else would they go out their way to make people mistrust their current government control systems so whoever they choose can be in power!

i think that more than i dont!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by boaby_phet
reply to post by SaturnFX

have you ever thought that the NWO types might not be the people in power, but the people who shout against it at every opertunity ... like alex jones and co ...

I guess I've been wondering that too without really putting it into words. I can see Alex Jones as a lizard very easily.

Alex Jones drives me nuts, actually. I like the topics he covers, but he's just way too angry/rude/loud for me. He's one of those guys who take such extreme positions and never with any hesitation and when you do that you are bound to be wrong alot. And that bugs me because he's never going to apologise to the people he's yelled at, called names, and falsely said were part of conspiracies that maybe they weren't. He's too busy moving on to the next thing to be angry about, and i don't like those types, they don't get held accountable. I don't doubt the world needs people like Alex Jones, people who are willing to speak loudly even if they are sometimes wrong. But doesn't mean i have to like it.

I miss Art Bell. George Noori is ok, but he is so gullible. I've never heard him say any ridiculous thing someone said was too weird for him. At least with Art Bell he was cagey. You never knew what crap he believed and what you didn't. And he was willing to call people out for sh*t.

Back to AE, I like the idea of all the nations of earth working together like in Independence Day without the need for an alien invasion. Hahah, we should turn it around and have our global unified goal be to invade some other poor alien bastards somewhere instead. Like we have a false flag radio transmission detected from Zeta Alpha Prime planet calling all our mamas on earth some horrible name. And so all the people of earth rise up to defend our mothers by building a unified space program and warp travel and we head off to do battle, but along the way we happen to develop tech that lets us feed all the people on earth, and cure all diseases.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by boaby_phet

have you ever thought that the NWO types might not be the people in power, but the people who shout against it at every opertunity ... like alex jones and co ...

Actually, thats exactly who I believe the archic NWO is...

The NWO, in my opinion, is hidden in plain sight. They wrote "The New American Century" that was a very detailed takeover of the planet under the thumb of the west, the segregation and institutionalization of centralized power, etc etc etc...its very clear who the monsters are...its also clear how they go about doing things and who the stooges are.

The pro-corporate, pro-far right institutions are currently out of power (except for the SCOTUS)...and they are flipping out about the loss of control...they have established corporate infiltrations into faux grassroot movements to turn the plebs against their own society and quiet rebellion, and most of the pawns have no clue that they are fighting the very thing they ideallistically wish to promote and fueled by the corporations and special interest giants they think they are fighting against....however, I do see the calm subtle moves that is winning this so called war. The New American Century has been waylayed and could be binned soon enough...this does not mean a win against such a NWO, but it will set them back.

It parallels biblical prophecy...Satan knows the bible and uses it against the messiah to fuel his agenda...the NWO uses the constitution and twists it to use against the people...all in the guise of super know there is a issue when some people, in the name of freedom, are crying out for corporate rights and a removal of neutrality on the internet to push more power into the hands of the few elites. Some are starting to wake up, but with every person awake, there are two that fall into this brainwashing

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by boaby_phet

have you ever thought that the NWO types might not be the people in power, but the people who shout against it at every opertunity ... like alex jones and co ...

Actually, thats exactly who I believe the archic NWO is...

The NWO, in my opinion, is hidden in plain sight. They wrote "The New American Century" that was a very detailed takeover of the planet under the thumb of the west, the segregation and institutionalization of centralized power, etc etc etc...its very clear who the monsters are...its also clear how they go about doing things and who the stooges are.

The pro-corporate, pro-far right institutions are currently out of power (except for the SCOTUS)...and they are flipping out about the loss of control...they have established corporate infiltrations into faux grassroot movements to turn the plebs against their own society and quiet rebellion, and most of the pawns have no clue that they are fighting the very thing they ideallistically wish to promote and fueled by the corporations and special interest giants they think they are fighting against....however, I do see the calm subtle moves that is winning this so called war. The New American Century has been waylayed and could be binned soon enough...this does not mean a win against such a NWO, but it will set them back.

It parallels biblical prophecy...Satan knows the bible and uses it against the messiah to fuel his agenda...the NWO uses the constitution and twists it to use against the people...all in the guise of super know there is a issue when some people, in the name of freedom, are crying out for corporate rights and a removal of neutrality on the internet to push more power into the hands of the few elites. Some are starting to wake up, but with every person awake, there are two that fall into this brainwashing

YES, YES, YES!! You are so right about TNAC and the neo-con agenda being the actual, terra firma, version of the NWO. All this talk about Obama being a maoist and reptilian overlords is nothing but distraction and misinformation.

That is what is so so so sad about the teaparties. In one move, the powers that be reversed and harnessed all of the anger and 'awakening' that could have brought them down into a force ultimately supportive of their sinister clandestine agenda. So sickening.

As for this space thing: if Obama does initiate a new, democratic, global, capitalistic -public partnered space race that benefits mankind--I think it would be great. This would be a large scale initiative (besides war) that would provide rapid innovation, economic expansion and modernization, and global cooperation. That combined with his leadership on the nuclear issue is enough to confirm, to me, that he is on that path of being a highly transformative president.


[edit on 4/14/2010 by skunknuts]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

Which is my biggest issue with neocons to begin with...the average joe is clueless...they are so warped with the innundation of talking heads that they have lost the ability to even read the clear and written down intent of the party movers.

Most dont even know about TNAC to begin with, which I find disturbing...most that read that either immediately become independent, or simply cannot comprehend what they are some overly religious person reading some footnote in a bible saying "we are just kidding, its all science fiction"...just at a loss and so decides to toss it out (easier to deal with comfortable fiction than admit to yourself you have been lied to).

I donno...but I have come to the conclusion that the more the far right are screaming, the closer to actual freedom we become. I really was losing hope around 2004.

I dont hold much weight into this spacy nonsense of alien interventionism coming down now and destroying the NWO behind the scenes and how they will now rapidly falter and go away...but hell...if things keep going as they do, I could be swayed to reconsider...something is happening. Will know more come November actually...I see a very calculated path being taken that is being rolled out quietly week to some wild jedi master chessgame. brilliant really...or miscalculated. Will see how it all forms.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:16 PM
Yes, i too am starting to think along the lines of international space-based effort utilizing global cooperation to achieve its means.

I actually just started a thread on the idea - check it out.

My Thread

Russian president Dmirtry Medvedev had some very interesting things to say regarding a global effort in regards to space as well as Russia's commitment to space.

As i said in my thread, bringing in the 'NWO' through a global space effort would be TPTB's best hope i think.

Space development and exploration seems genuinely peaceful and should, i suppose, impose much less on the world's population.

TPTB would still get their control tho. Interesting situation developing in next 24 hours!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:24 PM
space.....they cant even govern our own planet

maybe O and the boyz are hoping on a fast exit.......cause its game up

what are these guys smoking

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:59 PM
The thing that should be obvious is that the more people and institutions involved in space, the less likely it is that people will be able to prevent someone from blabbing - a good thing for sure. For instance, when India put it's excellent camera around the Moon, it told all about the water and the possible underground tunnels and so on. If only one or two governments had control of the info, we would not have known about our watery moon, the possibility of a thin atmosphere, some greening on it and so on. My only worry is that corporatization of space is not necessarily a good thing either. We know they are very shady in their dealings too; and can be lethal in competition.

The NWO has been espoused by Bush for ages; that is all I need to distrust it.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:15 PM
I find it interesting that Hoagland's and AstroEngineer's predictions overlap on the issue of a united international space effort and that Mars will be a goal instead of the moon. But Hoagland's sticking his neck out and predicting that Obama's goal we'll be landing on Phobos, which he thinks is a battered alien ship. it all fits his belief that alien disclosure is near. Hoagland's talk of disclosure reminds me of the Christian's who were claiming the rapture was coming any day. I know Hoagland'll be able to spin the summit to fit his view, no matter what Obama says. Its what I love and hate abuot him.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by skunknuts

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by boaby_phet

As for this space thing: if Obama does initiate a new, democratic, global, capitalistic -public partnered space race that benefits mankind--I think it would be great. This would be a large scale initiative (besides war) that would provide rapid innovation, economic expansion and modernization, and global cooperation.

[edit on 4/14/2010 by skunknuts]

i wonder if after a giant and expensive "star-ship" was built, would we be the ones who paid for it, or the ones ON it left the earth as TSHTF..??

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by paulism

It's all about Alternative 3..... orbit the Earth while disinfecting, then land and start over.

Unfortunately the Israeli's are most likely the ones hoping to be orbiting, so the rest of us will have to get Biblical on 'em before they can accomplish that goal of theirs. Remember Obama is Jewish, and the Russian territory is a massive chunk of natural resources controlled by Obama's handlers. I personally am hoping for the Roman solution to this problem. It no doubt involves economic hardship.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:38 AM
What I like is how space travel may be privitised yet programmes are done with the help of NASA. Obviously, there probably the leading people in space flight etc, but I cant help but thinking that if we actually manage to make space flight as common as flying to a diffrent country, I belive one certain nation will WANT to police it...

But more on topic, with things like Virgin Galactic, i like to think of this modual as an early 1900's car and its evolution to todays veichles. And in one hundred years time, we'll think nothing of everyday space travel, If we populate the moon etc...

But it'll also be pretty mad if some independent group got to Mars first and claimed independence from Earth... Lol.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire

You're not going to be able to get off Earth in this body form.
That is why the victors will orbit Earth while disinfecting.
Then they will return to rule as gods.

Anybody living on Mars is going to be a freak.

Ever see those pictures of space people?

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 07:11 AM
If Obama really announces this, it would make me feel better about telling everybody I know to vote for him...felons cannot vote...(hey by the way dont ever shoplift $225 in groceries no matter how sick you are of being poor and no matter how impulsive you may be at age 18 and think you will just be charged with "shoplifting", shoplifting goods with a retail value of $200+ is what they call 2nd degree theft in some (or most?) states, a class C felony... oh and if your idea of "groceries" is a new dvd player, don`t try explaining to the cops or the judge that you were going to eat the dvd player at the dinner table with your family, you will NOT get off for insanity... ) but it could be a trick. But then it also makes sense that the anti-obama conspiracies are a trick. It`s just so hard to weed through all the crap the truth is buried under.

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posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by paulism

S & F.

IMHO, if Obama anounces the end of NASA, so be it. NASA has become a big yawn as far as manned space travel. Orbiting in low Earth orbit for the last 38 years??? What happened to the Kennedy spirit of adventure?

We have seen great sdvances in non-human exploration, but we have to deal with an agency that is constantly tampering the photos and data that are released to the public. It's that same public that foots the bill for their ever-increasing budget. Yes, NASA has become a bloated, expensive agency that lacks vision. Perhaps private exploration would produce better science.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by doctor j and inmate c5779
felons cannot vote...(hey by the way dont ever shoplift $225 in groceries

Actually, you can vote...just contact a lawyer and ask him how to get your civil rights restored. Every state is different, and the crime may depend on how its processed...but ya, over time you can get all your rights back...

They cant keep you away forever...that would be unconstitutional. They do make it sound like you can never return back to society, but thats just a, check in on your local rules.

Also, dont worry about overexplanations of the issue to the public...people do dumb things and either grow out of it or end up in prison. Good to see your not in prison.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 09:56 AM
I think he got the idea from a Yahoo news site.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Signals
I think he got the idea from a Yahoo news site.

Link it...would be interesting to cross reference his post and the news article...see which came first.

Perhaps Yahoo got the idea from him/here/NASA.

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