posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:16 AM
If you actually READ the FBI statement responding to Kincaid’s request for Stanley Dunham’s FBI records, it should be immediately apparent that
the FBI did NOT admit that it destroyed a file on Obama’s grandfather in 1997. This 26 March 2010 FBI letter reads, in part:
“Records which may be responsive to your Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request were destroyed on May 01, 1997. Since the material
could not be reviewed, it is not known if it was responsive to your request.”
Please note that the FBI only advised that “records which MAY be responsive” were destroyed in 1997, but it is NOT KNOWN if they actually apply.
From this kernel of truth, Kincaid has once again fabricated evidence against Obama. The FBI did not “admit” that it had destroyed his
grandfather’s file, nor did it even confirm that it ever had one. The FBI did NOT know if the 1997 destruction even contained a file on Dunham.
If these FBI letters are Kincaid’s only "proof" of an FBI “admission,” then his claim is worthless, because the letters admit nothing
regarding any file on Stanley Dunham. This deception is similar to AIM’s trumped-up accusations regarding the 1949 Honolulu NAACP incident (see In reporting that incident, as in reporting this incident, source documents belie
Kincaid’s claims. . This is the epitome of "trumped-up" evidence by a master illusionist. Like most illusions, it falls apart upon close
The only thing "weird" about this story is that some people would actually swallow it. Because proof of deception is irrefutable, finding the truth
takes only a little extra effort.
"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander."
- Abraham Lincoln