posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:54 AM
.... Jam tomorrow, jam yesterday, but never debt repayment today.
National Minimum Wage to rise in line with average earnings by the end of the next Parliament
.....Or sink in line.
Promise to keep business taxes "as low as possible"
.....Set to skyrocket.
Realise stakes in publicly-controlled banks, introduce a global levy and reform banking rules
.....So even the penniless guy in the middle of Namibia, starving in the desert will have to ehlp pay for Labour Party waste.
An option to turn Northern Rock into a mutual rather than privatising it as part of a wider commitment to building societies
.....So the members can demutualise again, loan recklessly, get into trouble agina and get bailed out again in an endless loop, transfering wealth to
idiot greedy managers and executive.s
New rights for parents at schools in England to initiate change in school leadership, with under-performing schools taken over by more successful
management teams
.....Underperforming in their efforts to brainwash kiddies with NWO garbage.
One-to-one and small-group tuition for every primary school child falling behind, personal tutors and choice of "good" qualifications for secondary
age children
....A NWO expert will tell kids what they can study.
Every young person guaranteed education or training until 18, with 75% going on to higher education or workplace training by the age of 30
....To make sure everyone is debt and teenagers go out and try to start new companies.
Up to 70,000 advanced apprenticeships a year and Skills Accounts for workers to upgrade their skills
....Free labour for big cmopanies
Routine health checks for those aged 40 to 74, aimed at preventing heart attacks and strokes
....Keeping medical records up to date and centralised so old age dissidents who realise that this is just like 1930's fascism can be done away
Powers to sack chief constables if they fail to meet minimum standards within three years
As a "last resort", failing forces could be taken over by more successful constabularies
...Sacking anyone who won't push the NWO agenda
Funding to maintain police and community support officer numbers, with them spending 80% of their time on the beat
....Ordinary untrained bozos being called in to nail dissidents without the statebeing responsible for their incvompetance or brutality.
Family intervention projects to tackle anti-social behaviour, with financial support for victims to pursue injunctions - with the costs being met by
police forces or councils "who let them down"
....Forcing councils to hammer any dissidents who stick out from the crowd and ensure that everyone is sheeple.
The link between staying for a set period and being able to settle or gain citizenship will be broken - replaced by a points-based system
....To ensure that the wealthy can buy their way in with moneyu frauded from ordinary people whilst the children of UK citizens who would cry to see
what is happening to their nation and vote oout Gordy will be locked out in the cold.