posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 03:50 PM
State government is not the problem with government and even California with its persistent progressive policies does not affect the over all health
of the other states in the way the federal government does. There are states, and constitutions that these states have written to form a government,
to protect the rights of those who reside in that state. These states, beginning with the first 13 Colonies, that gained independence and declared
statehood, are the ones, who as a state representing the people of that state forged The Constitution for the United States of America.
That Constitution is a relatively brief document that outlines some specific, some less specific delegated powers to the federal government, and there
is a Bill of Rights established with that Constitution to secure rights of the people and of the states. Thus, what has not been specifically, or
implicitly delegated to the federal government, then resides with the states or people respectively. There is a purpose for this, and that purpose
is because all good government is built from the bottom up, and not from the top down. The foundation of our government is the People, the structure
are the states, and the bricks and mortar is the federal government, but it all stands, because of its foundation.
There is no authority to do anything near what you are suggesting in the Constitution, nor could any Amendment stand the Constitutional muster to
survive jurisprudence. The states have been guaranteed a republican form of government, and that is technically what we have. In order to
accomplish what you are suggesting, we would have to abolish the Constitution and start over, and I for one, am not at all in support of that.
Besides, each state functions as it pleases, and there will be states that limit liberty less than others, and people are free to move to states with
less taxation or other limitations of liberty, as they see fit. Your suggestion would eliminate this freedom.
If We the People are to take back the reigns of government usurped by ambitious politicians, we must begin with our own states. As We the People go
through the process of reigning in state government, the federal government will, (although likely very stubbornly), follow suit.