posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Vinadetta
The FAA does a spot inspection due to complaints and the only thing they can find is a problematic seatbelt?!
Hell, as an A&P Mechanic, I could get that thing up and running in just 3 seconds.
I would write a exemption in the log book that would state that the plane could not fly with someone in that seat. Problem solved.
Something sounds slightly fishy here. The FAA cannot just surreptitiously ground a plane for something as stupid as that.
OP, look for some more info. I would look up my FAR's to dispute the things that the FAA can do in situations like this.
Hell, I cleared an aircraft to fly once that had a fire in the main CB panel. Of course I only cleared it to fly for a transfer from one airfield to
another so it could be worked on, after I tested the mandatory systems of flight. The pilot was a little miffed about it,
, he said he would not
fly it unless I came along.
Fun times back in Hyannis MA.
[edit on 4/9/2010 by endisnighe]