posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:38 PM
Yesterday at the Masters a banner plane flew banner ads that poked fun at Tiger Woods.
Ever since his little slip up with the porn stars and women he has been shielded from the media and people who want to voice their objection of his
Woods decided to return to golf at the Masters a highly secure course in Augusta Ga. so he would be shielded once again from nay sayers and hecklers.
Well someone found a way around the security. They hired a banner plane to advertise their dis-like of tigers b.s. and called him out on opeing day
of the Masters.
Well today the play was ordered down by the FAA by someone with clout to stop the banners from being flown.. This is B.S. Would I hire a banner plane
to poke fun at a douche like Tiger? No, But should it be against the law? You tell me? Banners had no profanity just some good ole fashion stick it to
ya with your own words text.
I think this smells of B.S. and this goes to show ya that the government is for hire?
[edit on 2010 by tsloan]
[edit on 2010 by tsloan]