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Family and Friends Dying on Significant Dates...

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 09:50 AM
Let me begin by stating that I am one of those unlucky individuals who has been the target of organized GANG STALKING since my parents divorce... my mother remarrying... and my stepfather moving us 1200 miles away from all our family and friends. That's initially how far back that I'm able to trace the GANG STALKING. It's been going on since the mid 60s.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with GANG STALKING... I'm going to suggest that you listen to a series of videos on youtube. There are 15 in this particular series... and the following is #6 out of 15. Listen to all if you wish... but my personal experiences basically fall into numbers 2-10.

The reason that I'm even mentioning the GANG STALKING... is because I believe what I'm about to share with you is related to the gang stalking that I've been experiencing since childhood.

I recently lost two grandmothers in their 90s. It's not that they eventually died that I find disturbing. It's more about the dates that they died... and the role my gang stalkers seem to have played in their deaths.

My maternal grandmother passed away 9/11/08... and my paternal grandmother passed away 3/29/10 which was my daughter's 40th birthday.

(My daughter was the result of a rape that took place on 7/4/69... and she was born on Easter Sunday 3/29/70.)

I also lost an ex-boyfriend who died and was buried on my birthday back in 2008.

Back in the 90s my rapist committed suicide on a signigicant date (which I'm not going to share for personal reasons)... and then two brothers for whom each played a significant role in my life... died within 6 months of each other. Both were in their 40s and the circumstances surrounding their deaths was unknown to me. The first brother died on my birthday... and the second (younger brother) died on my daughter's birthday. I am convinced these dates are no coincidence.

I can go on and on... but won't, as this really was not my intended purpose. I just wanted to give you all an idea as to what I've been experiencing... and to try and find out if anybody else has been experiencing this sort of thing.

Kind Regards,

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Hi Hedera,

I also have a rape child, and, was a victim of organized crime related gang stalking most of my life. My boyfriend (a favorite boyfriend) was killed and buried on our favorite holiday.

I might have more to write, and just wanted to jump in there. But, I won't be able to focus until later tonight after errands.

Take care and great post

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by HugmyRek

My mother sent me an email the other day which was delayed for some reason for over 24 hours. She was attempting to pass along another email from a long-time (45 years) family friend. The friend's husband had just passed away that morning... April 15th. He was in hospice dying of cancer and alzheimer's... so his passing was not unexpected.

Beings he worked 40 years for NCR (National Cash Register) and died on Tax Day... I felt this post was an appropriate addition to this thread.

NCR History

Thanks for responding, HugmyRek. That makes two of us who are now aware of the smaller insignificant conspiracies... and not just the National Headliners.

[edit on 19/4/2010 by Hedera Helix]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Hedera Helix
reply to post by HugmyRek

Beings he worked 40 years for NCR (National Cash Register) and died on Tax Day... I felt this post was an appropriate addition to this thread.

Your tale and its components reminds me of the computer like life interface of the movie, "The Matrix".

Truly unusual amount and timings.

I've had relatives die, but I was too young to know what day it was.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 10:44 AM
With a little imagination one can take any 2 completely random events, and find a way to relate them to each other.

If you keep looking for a pattern, you will find one. But is the pattern there because it was always there, or because your mind put it there.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by areyosicker
With a little imagination one can take any 2 completely random events, and find a way to relate them to each other.

If you keep looking for a pattern, you will find one. But is the pattern there because it was always there, or because your mind put it there.

Yes... if you keep looking for a pattern it MAY eventually emerge. And sometimes it takes years to establish a pattern... mostly because the acquired knowledge/science capable of supporting a specific claim was non-existent at the time it was first made.

Kinda like trying to prove someone was a serial rapist before we had DNA evidence.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Hedera Helix

October 19th...

Fun Fun, Let's play again!
For the next feather in my cap
check in the policeman's helmet.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 12:20 AM
My Mom died of Lung cancer at 70. She died on her birthday, Feb. 22, at 2:22am in 2002.

She was here at home, and I had the night 'shift' to check on her every 15 mins, as she was getting worse. (Hospice)

That timing was just crazy. It's like she timed it that way... or someone else did (looking up).

Very odd.

I swear this did happen. It may be just happenstance, but it did make me stand back and go 'wow'....

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Pharyax

I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

I've always been one of these people who notices things like that in the obituaries... among other things. I've seen obits that were so incredibly bizarre... that I would have sworn they had to be bogus. Synchronistic in nature. They almost seemed more like a personal message than a regular obit.

I also used to notice strange cryptic messages in the personals years ago. It used to FREAK ME OUT. Almost as if someone was looking over our shoulders.

[edit on 4/5/2010 by Hedera Helix]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:18 PM
There has been another remote sniping-related death that has landed on my doorstep. It involves my new case worker's grandfather who passed away on July 5th. Had he died on July 4th... there would've been no doubt in my mind whatsoever that it had been a scheduled hit.

However... I'll need to ask her a few questions before I can actually determine if this was another psychic homicide.

[edit on 8/7/2010 by Hedera Helix]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Hedera Helix

It was a hit... and another one recently occurred on my mother's birthday. No doubt about this one.

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