posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 07:46 PM
"find it among talk of three
find it among the spheres of colors
find it in the teaming masses of Kilby-spawn"
I think the ring is in a post somewhere on ats...
Mayby this clue is discribing THREE ways of getting to the post and ulitmately the first ring...
"find it among talk of three" - perhaps a group or team? Any clique type groups on ats? Mayby it is talking about the 3 surviving members of the
four? The ring could be in this groups posts... ask deep "talk of three" = "where it is"
"find it among the spheres of colors" - i think someone has mentioned before that "the spheres of colors" could indicate the icons to the boards
on the main ats forum page... u can go in manually and search the threads for the post... ask deep "spheres of colors" = "where it is"
"find it in the teaming masses of kilby-spawn" - i think some body has said that kilby-spawn are computer users (ask deep "Kilby-spawn" = "you
are")... so essentially... us or the members of ATS... perhaps the member list can lead us in the right direction.