posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 02:03 PM
It seems like most of you think these guys are drilling a hole and dumping in a bunch of crap. How many of you actually know the amount of work that
goes into getting the radioactive waste into the proper form to store in these vaults?
I wonder if you know of the vitrification process involved. Where the waste is enriched with sugar and calcined, turned into a glass that is
non-reactive and resistant to water, then placed in a stainless steel cylinder and welded shut, cleaned, an then inspected for any outside
contaminants, shipped to the site to be placed in the vaults, cleaned and inspected again, then placed in the vault which is usually in a mountain
that is naturally lined with clay which makes about the best moisture barrier that one could hope for, then the site is monitored continuously for
change in ambient radioactivity over many years.
I guess in other words, we throw the crap in a hole and cover it in with fill?!?