posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 10:56 PM
Religion is not the answer. God exist in love and love is found inside you. Hence you are god. express yourself through infinity, infinity is found in
love. Unify yourself with the infinite. Individuality is an illusion. It is an illusion of ego. Ego is an expression of self separate from the whole.
When you realize your individuality is expressed through the whole, and the whole is the infinite creator, and you are apart of the infinite creator
it will simplify your entire being.
We are in love.
Our eyes are open.
I am in love.
My eyes are open.
We live in the now.
I live in the now.
Feel these things. Say them to yourself, then say them out loud. Say them to your friends, your loved ones. Say these things to strangers on the
Peace, love, and compassion to all of you.
[edit on 7-4-2010 by onequestion]