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The Largest Fraud In History

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posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:35 PM

The Largest Fraud In History

This time a large international bank with almost 15 million customers in 50 countries around the world becomes part of this unfolding saga. It is so hard to believe and unimaginable so let’s continue our trip down the rabbit hole with another King World News exclusive interview.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:35 PM
If the vaults do not contain the metal there will soon be a run on these Comex associated vaults.

The bullion is not there. This means that the price is being artificially deflated. There is going to end up as blood in the streets in my opinion. A super spike on gold price is coming to a commodities exchange near you.

A global rush on the gold holding banks is coming when you consider this information.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:49 PM
Hey, why dont you pay me 14% interest and I 'll lend you 5 billion computer demerit points. Trust me? Gee why not, I can assure you it will turn your economy around, it will multiply into 70 times this amount in the banks the minute its deposited.

Its not extortion!!???? Its not fraud!!??? Well it sure the hell is. Do you know this planet has been held hostage by primarily 3 evil families: Rothchild's, Rockefellers,and the DuPonts, all of the horrors, starvation, wars, diseases, slavery, drug trade, even Vril and the negative Ets they've sold the human race out to, is created by primarily these 3 families.

They're criminals many many times over. Its just having the courage enough to demand their arrest and to carry it through if they don't ourselves. We need to save this world and the billions suffering.

Arrest them and may they be dealt justice.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Of course this is just another example of the fraud being perpetrated by these trusted institutions. When you consider the information coming out about the Fed buying those bogus worthless securities from Bear Sterns when they have no mandate to do so from congress TSHTF very soon in my opinion.

Strange days indeed. Most particular.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:29 PM

It is all the same scandal, it's all lies and fakeness.

It's unbelievable that the msm is not picking up on this

msm =

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Yeah, it's really messed up. This may sound wrong, but I'm taking advantage of the price manipulation. I'm not the one doing the manip, just someone who is listening to reports gone "public", that hasn't really gone public.
I've been trying to sell my truck to a family member for some time. I think it'll finally happen next week, and I'll be investing 95% in silver rounds deliverd.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM
It is not a bad idea to invest your money in physical metals right now. The delivery crisis for metals certificates will snow ball and you can bet that the run will jack the price. I have less then 10% of my wealth in metals at this time. I am thinking it might be prudent to increase this to 20% over the rest of this week.

If I am wrong the worst that will happen is that I will lose some value from the conversion but it is not going to amount to a very large percentage of the value in the end I think.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
It is not a bad idea to invest your money in physical metals right now. The delivery crisis for metals certificates will snow ball and you can bet that the run will jack the price. I have less then 10% of my wealth in metals at this time. I am thinking it might be prudent to increase this to 20% over the rest of this week.

If I am wrong the worst that will happen is that I will lose some value from the conversion but it is not going to amount to a very large percentage of the value in the end I think.

It is a good investment, but if any small percentage of the threads on ATS are true, then you don't want to be holding the physical metal when SHTF!

"Camel through the eye of the needle." "The meek shall inherit the Earth." and all the other little tidbits.

If ETs come looking for their gold and silver, you are better off letting the Rothchilds have it!

I don't think I believe any of the ancient astronaut theories, and I don't think we are a slave race, but then again, I can't eat gold, so I will just leave it to the others to hoard, and I will stick with bullets and rice!

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Hong Kong pulls all gold reserves from depositories in London

buckle up gentlemen, the global meltdown
has begun

HK is basically saying we dont trust you

when u disrupt trust between banks
money stops !!!

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 06:03 PM
Quick someone make gold, or forge it.

that would help, doncha think'


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
It is not a bad idea to invest your money in physical metals right now. The delivery crisis for metals certificates will snow ball and you can bet that the run will jack the price. I have less then 10% of my wealth in metals at this time. I am thinking it might be prudent to increase this to 20% over the rest of this week.

If I am wrong the worst that will happen is that I will lose some value from the conversion but it is not going to amount to a very large percentage of the value in the end I think.

I wish I could invest in Gold. About 20 years ago I had the inexplicable urge to buy gold, but I could not afford it. I somehow knew that it would be a good long-term investment at the time.

Now all I can invest in is brass, and lead. Which I have.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 06:55 PM
I guess large part of my investment holding are in steel, brass, lead, and copper. I remember when I purchased my ammo stocks about 18 months ago. The price has doubled since then so I am right side up on that investment. The steel holdings I have are also going up in value as well. If they ban semiautomatics and high cap mags that investment will double or triple as well.

At the very least they will likely hold their value or be of unmeasurable value if really needed.

I have been spending some of my ammo holdings every few weeks. It is still a good investment on its own even if the commodity is being used in this case.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Hong Kong pulls all gold reserves from depositories in London

buckle up gentlemen, the global meltdown
has begun

HK is basically saying we dont trust you

when u disrupt trust between banks
money stops !!!

You're pretty much right, though Hong Kong moving its gold reserves is news from September '09.

Anyway, the metals are looking decidely bullish - and the rash of fraud allegations over the past couple of days is only adding to the fervour.

If you haven't got your physical metals by now, in a few weeks or months, you may be kicking yourself for not acting. It is not out of the question, as the audio in the OP article alludes to, that a global run on gold incites a rush of the likes never witnessed before on such a huge scale in human history.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 11:03 PM
Good thread. I started one recently on the same/similar topic here:

Gold Rush 21 (Documentary)

I posted some videos from GATA's (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) documentary on the manipulation and suppression of the precious metals market... namely gold.

Hop on over if anyone is interested, I posted links to several relevant threads there, as well as some vids. I will link to this thread as well.

Not trying to steal thunder, but instead I think we should work together and make it a higher interest topic on ATS because it is so important.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Yikes! I always wondered what would happen if one day everyting we held of value was worthless in a financial sense. Obviously, human values have no measure by financial assessment, so I was referring to things not people. But it looks like I might find out the answer soon, now that the "real wealth" has apparently disappeared. I don't suppose anyone is up for leaving economics out of the social order next time around? Surely we can come up with a different kind of idea.


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 11:16 PM
I was aware of the previous interest in the subject and that is why I posted this information here. Thanks for the added supportive material. It makes my case stronger for this being a serious concern for all of us.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Let's be honest. Even if all the mainstream media outlets were to report this tomorrow, it would be a quick 10-second snippet, and they would go back to talking about Tiger Woods. The general population doesn't seem to care as long as the government tells them it has value.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by ganjoa
I don't suppose anyone is up for leaving economics out of the social order next time around? Surely we can come up with a different kind of idea.


As much as that is a great idea, and I whole-heartedly agree; the sad part is, as long as man is greedy, or has the urge to have more then someone else, this will never be the case..

Aspiration is one thing, reality is another, and never shall the two meet.. or so they say..

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:23 AM

I thought this was gonna be able free will...

EDIT: I gave you a S&F for great justice!

[edit on 4/8/2010 by TheBloodRed]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Cygnis

It's not so much about everyone being greedy... it is more to do with TPTB making us believe in the fake 'wealth' that surrounds us.

I have had a few conversations along these lines over the last few weeks. One of which was about a topic here on ATS about who actually owns your car. On a British vehicle registration document, it names the "registered keeper"... This does not mean that you (if your name appears on it) owns this vehicle. The actual ownership document exists at the main dealership that supplied the vehicle from new.

The other discussion was about insurance. The way that accidents are being called something other than an 'accident' is more evidence to show we are being conned. Accidents happen and you can't insure against that. The whole point of insurance on vehicles is to repair the 'wealth' that has been damaged with more 'wealth'. Insurance can never repair or replace any Human lives lost in any accident.

This just reflects on the 'idea' of wealth and ownership. It shows how we are made to think that we actually own something.. to make us work towards a goal of 'ownership'.

A similar principle was outlined for the 'achievements' in online gaming, ie MMORPGs. The sense of achieving something in these games is the drug that draws you in. You get the idea that your game character has done many and great deeds and survived many a task and battle. This reflects out towards you and gives the false sense of victory. The increase in levels and skills is all illusional. All you have really achieved is sitting in your chair for weeks on end clicking a button.

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