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Son of GhostNet: China-based hacking targets India government

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:21 PM

The people who uncovered GhostNet, an extensive cyber espionage network that targeted the Tibetan exile community, are back with a sequel. Starting with an infected machine that was found during that investigation, an international team of researchers has uncovered a completely separate network that primarily targeted the Indian government, and turned up some classified documents that had been obtained by the hackers. By reconstructing the network, the team was able to trace things back to the hacking community in Chengdu, China.

Hackers not linked to Chinese government: researcher

The report is called "Shadow Network." While these articles refer to Canadian and US researchers, they are not government.

This article is way better, and even has a picture of the people involved.

The Shadow Network: Canada, U.S. detail China-based cyberspying

Seriously, when you look at the significant amount of extra detail in this article over the mainstream ones, the WHY of why people don't just take the mainstream at its word is very apparent.

[edit on 2010/4/6 by Aeons]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Iran's emerging 'netwar'

This is another article about Citizen Lab, Information Warfare Network and The SecDev Group and Advanced Network Research Group, which is interesting in all content, but specifically for the citizens of this group might find it particularly of interest this part:

Citizen Lab, which operates out of the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies, is one of many groups making software available that allows citizens in Iran to sign on to a server that gives them secure access to web pages anywhere, bypassing government restrictions while allowing access to services such as Twitter.

People on this board are often concerned about information being blocked by the government - and here are groups who are specifically working on it.

If you are still not going to click it has a Q&A section in the article that has gems like this:

Q: What are the ways around these information blockades?

A: Speaking as Psiphon Inc.'s forward deployed Psi-Operator — I can tell you that we have an aggressive Twitter campaign currently in operation propagating our proxy nodes.

We are giving away what we call "right2know" nodes that "push" banned content to Iranians, and that they then can use to surf other banned content, without even signing up for an account. They can sign up if they choose and we're getting hundreds of people signing on — one a minute in the first hour-and-a-half we set up the first node.


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