posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Stumbled upon David Myatt when I was researching & reading about the occult. He truly does sound like on serious disturbed individual who is sick in
the head.
Here's his new blog. Cult Angels of nine.
his book:
War is necessary – it ensures the health of a people, and it encourages those warrior virtues which are essential to civilization. When a people,
nation or race goes for decades without engaging in a war which involves all or most of the communities of that people, nation or race, then that
people, nation or race tends toward decadence – with cowardly scum coming to the surface, the young becoming feckless and undisciplined, and society
generally declining. War breeds and reveals character – in combat, there is no where to hide. One either does one’s duty, with courage and perhaps
heroism – or one does not. War is the test of the man. War is natural selection in action – Fate decrees who survives, who is uninjured and who
becomes revered as heroic. War makes individuals respect Fate, and thus gives real wisdom – an awareness of duty and responsibility.
Truly the epitome of evil.
Other relevant links.
Letter from a Satanist who mentions Vindex as the Dark Lord (antichrist) just before his death.
The Alpha Lodge has taken steps to try to ensure that after the next war the Tradition is maintained in the intervening centuries, before
civilization, as we know it, begins again. At that time, Satanism will be in the only religion and science. We have secured the texts, books, relics
and magickal weapons necessary for Our Dark Lord and I see the storm clouds gathering. Ritual activity is increasing. Social structures are almost
totally eroded. The Sheeple gather for their slaughter. Vindex walks amongst us now and very few know (or think that they do).