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Big brother caught being over eager

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posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 07:26 PM
Oh right Kode - fill us in just before impact. But don't forget the internet is supposed to go down before that! Well, you can always tell us on the other side.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 07:41 PM
Bomb, President, White House, New York, Pentagon, George Bush, die, dirty bomb.

There I've just taken away all the threats to you guys. They'll be looking for me. Doesn't the NSA's prgram Echelon deal with monitoring everything(fax. phone, wireless, email, ISP).

The problem that the U.S. is having in catching top Al-Qaeda operatives is that they have gotten smart. It is reported that Osama uses a series of couriers to get info. He does this so there isn't any SIGINT(Signals Intelligence) against him. The reason the war on terror will never be won is even if they do get all the current top Al-Qaeda operatives and Osama, somebody else will be there to fill in. The intelligence communities don't have people infiltrating these organizations, that's the real problem.

And even if those bastards are watching us right now, I have this to say to them. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Come and get me, the resultant lawsuit against you will ensure a luxurious life for me.

[Edited on 3-6-2004 by DEEZNUTZ]

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 08:08 PM
will do, badkitty

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by DEEZNUTZ
The problem that the U.S. is having in catching top Al-Qaeda operatives is that they have gotten smart. It is reported that Osama uses a series of couriers to get info. He does this so there isn't any SIGINT(Signals Intelligence) against him.

Yep. There are generally two strategies used to avoid signal compromise: Use non-traditional (sometimes, but not always low-tech) communications channels, and/or use strong encryption.
Monitoring for keywords in plaintext is akin to surveilling registered gun owners in an attempt to prevent gun-related crime: it's an idea obviously thought up by a committee of management types with no, little, or outdated experience in the field.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:11 PM
maybe we can overload the system with a jillion keywords.....if we overload it then itll take them billions to fix all those computer everyone start typing in keywords.....aliens...greys....elves...elf....terrorists...

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:42 AM
I think CookieMonster000 is the devil. At the time I posted this his ATS points were 666.


Just Kidding.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 02:02 AM
I'm quite surprised none of you knew about this! Goverments have been using signal intercept computers for years now, and as far as thinking someone is listening to your conversations they are not. If one of the keywords or key sentences pops up then the computer records it and analyses the sentence for possible threats and then marks them as sever, possible or unknown, this is when humans sift through the computer printouts, checking which ones are more likely real threats. I know this because I used to work in Intel. Nothing to worry about though and its not an infringement on your privacy, the government can do whatever they like when its a national security matter and real lives are at stake.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 02:20 AM
This is reported with a different slant here.


The article says the text was sent to a wrong number and the recipient reported it to the police.

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Banshee]

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 05:19 AM
Yes, iwouldificould is right. The Sun newspaper has been known to 'sensationalise' from time to time (understatement!).

What actually happened is that the text was send to the wrong number, the woman who received it contacted the police. They contacted Special Branch, and they contacted the sender.

Nothing more than dilligent police work in my book, NOT an 'echelon' type comms conspiracy.


posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Nothing more than dilligent police work in my book,not an Echelon type comms conspiracy.

Yes the sun newspaper has a less than credable history but it was the only radical less controllable newspaper that broke the story.Echelon is still a Top Secret project that is still denied by the N.S.A.try ringing the C.I.A and ask for info

The sun is usually good for finding stories first that other media misses.Bet you didn`t know that on Tuesday two members of Britsh Special Boat Service were held by Spainish Police in Malaga on suspision of being drug smugglers.The sun published this story because the Spainish leaked the arrest of the two to the Spainish newspaper and identified there names and the fact they were on Special forces training excersize in Gibraltor.Yes don`t read and believe everything but this site would grind to a halt if we dismmised any details

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