posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Kingalbrect79
wow, i just saw this thread pop back in my watch list! im actualy shocked its still going on!
If he is banned, its most likely as he is delusional AND trying to follow his delusions to (A) say he has some sort of alien knowlage and (B) to get
people to join his religion and sell books to his almost as deluded followers!
as the guys admitted, he had these ideas when in freeking mental hospital!
im not one for bashing people with mental health problems, we have all had our share at one point ... but come on people... all this is is someone
with a delusional personality and belief who has come to ats to try and spread his delusional message!
google him and his religion! i did!
anyone heard of jim jones? ... i know its rash/harsh but i put this guy/op in the same leage as him ...!