posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Hi guys, I wanted to propose to you something I thought would be a really good idea.
It hit me while I was in lecture at Uni. The lecture was about Kantianism and Utilitarinism (two different Ethics Threories) I started rationalising
to myself which was more suited to our current society. Then it hit me.
Why have just one? Infact not just for ethics but for law systems, political structures,financial systems the works! Why not have a test Lab! By test
lab I mean test Country.
Few would deny that there is a one world empire already. Financialy, economically and in many others ways the world is already bound together on a
road to who knows where.
My proposition is this. Why not have one (or more) countries set aside to trial different methods of government, finance, economy, law etc. We test
everything else and refine everything else in a lab so why not every day life?
Can you imagine how much we could achieve if one country either put their hand up or was set aside to trial these different ways of living. We could
learn so much and perhaps avoid the slipery slope of a global meltdown or war we see ourselves faced with every 30 years or so.
We owe it to ourselves and our children to do a little research.. it makes sense doesn't it?
I would sugggest a country like New Zealand. Nuetral, isolated and in terms of population and size managable.
And one more point. We could fix alot of the worlds problems if we settled in coutries not based on heritage but based on either our religion or
creed. If we could do that and not interfere with any other sovereign nation then I think the world would get along a whole lot better.
Please let me know what you think or any ideas you have.