posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:56 AM
That's right! step right up and help the Main Stream Media create an enemy...!
all you have to do is think of your favorite division! something that distinguishes YOU from THEM. ....someone or something you can really sink your
hatred teeth into! and never forgive or find common ground with! cmon... you can do it! pin some guilt on somebody, point a finger and never
that way ... tptb can keep our heads on a swivel, keep us fighting amongst ourselves, do whatever the hell they want! (heck they can even slowly
depopulate.... plant an rfid chip ...steal every freedom known or rob us blind) and stay out of the spotlight! just as long as they can create some
kind of diversion and keep us warring from minor to grand scale!
wow, what a brilliant appointment for president! Hillary would have sufficed but they went for maximum polarization!
I'll start with some obvious ones .. but I need help ... be creative!
Progressive VS Conservative
White VS Black
Dave vs Jay
Teabaggers VS Obama Zombies
Christian VS Muslim
Rich VS Poor
Isreal VS Iran
Socialism VS "Democracy"
Democrat VS Republican
Ignorant VS Informed
straight VS gay
anti-abortion VS right to choose
war on drugs VS legalization
cmon ATSers..... lets give em some ideas to divide us!