posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip
Hi, 12Gauge. I agree that we need to counter disinfo & challenging these people is totally acceptable IMO. I'm speaking about those who post to a
thread with a view that is so off base that it can only be determined that they are only giving their "opinion" to tick people off. I'm sure you
know what I'm speaking of because I've seen you on the recent threads that I'm referring to. Not that I'm calling you a troll because I know
you're not. I'm speaking of those who downplay the oil spill as though someone poured a can of Coke into a bathtub. I'm also talking about those
who speak about animals getting shot as though someone set a Barbie doll on fire. These types of trolls are only posting to anger people. It's as if
they are gaining energy by causing turmoil. It appears to me as though they are achieving a rush, which can be compared to the same reason a person
rides rollercoasters. Yeah, it's fun for a short time & you want to get back on again, but these types of trolls want to hijack the ride's controls
so it won't stop to let anyone off until they're all
. It's almost as if they aren't happy until someone's poncho gets caught between the
coaster's wheels & the track thus forcing the thread to get stuck upside down. These types of trolls are the most dangerous in my opinion. It's
difficult to ignore them, but we need to play Spot the Troll & hit the ignore button.