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No Plane Hit The World Trade Center On 9/11

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Yankee451


A completely bogus mislabeled photo.

Someone (no credits, so cannot presume WHOM) used a cropped, close-up photo and jerry-rigged a bunch of nonsense claims, in text boxes, with imaginative colorful arrows that bear NO RESEMBLANCE to reality.....

If that is your personal creation, then I feel sad.

IF, instead, you found it as work of someone else, and actually cannot see it for the drivel it represents? I feel equally sad. For you.

BUT! As an example, it perfectly epitomizes the nature of this HOAX! Shining example, actually. Nice end cap to the thread.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

As usual, you provide nothing of substance.

This damage is visible from multiple angles and from multiple cameras. Unfortunately there are very few close up images, but if you were worth your salt more than your belly lint, you'd provide an image to counter my claim, or at least go to the NIST site and get the original and give us all your analysis of it.

Need I remind you you are still peddling the false claim that the Pentagon's light well walls are made of lathe and plaster? They are made of reinforced concrete, and you know it.

If you are as dishonest about the WTC as you are about the Pentagon, you could stand to back up your BS with some photographic evidence...try making your own analysis on the original pictures...I know how you like to post other people's work.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:21 AM
Noplane wtc in the hoax? Finally

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

I clicked over and looked at your thread and your observations using the arrows .

What you are calling 'dented columns' , are not columns at all . What you are pointing to with the arrows is actually the aluminum cladding that covered the outside of the columns . Surely you wouldn't expect the aluminum cladding to stay intact and stationary as a plane plows into it at 500mph ?

You can even see that some of the columns are still visible beyond the cladding you are pointing to .

And THREE missiles ? Wow , at least that's one I haven't heard until now .

Nonetheless , I find it to be ludicrous . Three missiles would have shown three definite , unmistakable explosions , which was not the case . Furthermore , three missiles would have taken the top of that tower off almost immediately . Not to mention the angles that they would have had to approach from .

C'mon , think these things through .

I could go on and on but frankly , I am totally exasperated from dealing with the absurdity found in these threads .

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by ReRun
reply to post by Yankee451

I clicked over and looked at your thread and your observations using the arrows .

My thread has been tampered with...I take it that's a good sign.

Here's the original image showing the cladding gone and the columns clearly dented on the left side.


You were saying?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

Yes, it's important we study the correct conspiracies...the ones which won't lead us anywhere.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:51 AM
I don't normally post on these sorts of internet forums but I was watching a documentary on youtube and noticed among the recommended videos one that claimed to prove that no planes were used on 911. Scarcely believing that anyone could subscribe to such a ridiculous notion I googled it and this is what I found. WOW, just . . . WOW, 36 pages of people making wild, unfounded and dare I say insane allegations, having each of their claims refuted only to have them again post the same claims and responding to those that deny them by saying “prove it”, and then everybody accusing everyone else of being paid government agents. Frankly I don’t see why anyone would even bother to argue with someone who believes this crap. I mean I don’t know how far you are going to get with someone who asks for proof that large numbers of people could have witnessed the second plane hitting when it occurred in one of the most densely populated cities in the world and it struck one of the tallest buildings in the world shortly after another plane had struck the building right next to it, I mean really? It was the most watched plane crash in history, it was broadcast live on television by dozens of television stations and filmed by dozens of amateur cameramen. Using No Planer (that is what you call them right?) logic one could argue that no plane has crashed ever, they’re all government conspiracies, I mean where‘s the evidence? Also I find it disturbing how these No Planers and truthers in general are so quick to accuse anyone and everyone of being complicit in mass murder. I watched a video (the one where the camera man says “whats this jet doing?” posted by weedwhacker I think, who by the way must have the patience of a saint) and I heard the horror in the voices of the witnesses, their cries of anguish helped me in some small way to feel what it must have been like to have been there that day. A No Planer watches that same video and hears actors reading a script, people to whom money was enough to allow them to justify enabling the murder of thousands. Believe it or not people in the media and even government employees are ordinary people just like you. Do you think if you got a degree in journalism and got a job at CNN your first day they would take you aside and explain how they only report what the government tells them too. What world to you people live in? By the way, all you truthers that don’t believe the no planes theory need to recognize that you use the exact same logic and arguments to support your own theories as the no planers. You come to a conclusion based what you think should have happened, you support this conclusion with a random assortment of contrived “evidence” and reject anything that contradicts it. That in a nutshell is the basis of the entire truther “movement”. Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by NoBrainsTheory

It's a pity you had to spoil your case against the no-planers by including 9/11 truthers as though they thought and argued in the same illogical way. They don't for the most part. Anyway, the kind of argument and criticism you wrongly use against them can be re-directed by truthers against believers in the official story of 9/11 (does that include yourself?), viz. believers uncritically accept what they have been told happened, despite plenty of contradictory evidence - both eyewitness testimony and TV/video/photographic - that discredits this view.

You may feel better having got your complaint off your chest, but I am afraid that your rant was merely a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:14 PM
It would have been fair to each side of the discussion if we would have got a mod comment of why this thread was moved there.

If it was for the bad debating practices the thread should have been closed instead.
What this leads to is only more radicalisation on both sides.

The ones will get even more aggressive the others will feel encouraged in their ignorance. Make up your own mind on whatever side each will represent

edit on 16-4-2011 by kybertech because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:56 PM
36 Pages on this? Really? No one has any friends in NY who witnessed the planes hitting the buildings? I have plenty, including a roommate. This "debate," whether a hoax at its core or not, is incomprehensible. But I will remember this next time someone assures me I'm a sheeple for not believing their version of anything else in history. See, the trick to being "better than" sheeple is not replacing one widely-believed moronic story with another lesser-believed moronic story.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Jeremy_Vaeni

Why would you bump such a stupid thread after 1/2 a year then complain about it?>

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
36 Pages on this? Really? No one has any friends in NY who witnessed the planes hitting the buildings? I have plenty, including a roommate. This "debate," whether a hoax at its core or not, is incomprehensible. But I will remember this next time someone assures me I'm a sheeple for not believing their version of anything else in history. See, the trick to being "better than" sheeple is not replacing one widely-believed moronic story with another lesser-believed moronic story.

does your friend have any video/photos of what he saw exactly?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Greetings Brethren,

This is my first post at ATS. But I've been heavily into ATS type subject matter since the nineties. (not that that matters at all)

The other day I noticed some "No plane hit the wtc" article & laughed to myself at the absurdity of the idea. The next day I noticed the article was still trending on ATS, so I figured that SINCE I had laughed it off, it might be fair to at least give the info a quick look.
*Just about everything I believe today, I initially ridiculed...*

YouTube Vid "Nosed Out" was the first piece I checked out & it is remarkable.
I then preceded to watch SeptemberClues, by the same author.
I now feel this is the Achilles heal of the 911 story.

To anyone here that refuses to watch this video so as not to jeopardize their current views...
LOL, have you learned nothing at all ?
I also feel the Truther movement is going Nowhere while the MSM exists... The idea of keeping the 911 truth movement simple & streamlined to attract bigger numbers is garbage *in my opinion*. Save yourself & allow others the freedom to make their own choices.

Armageddon isn't the end...
I now see it like a big Birth-day surprise, where everyone will choose what they need to learn before Humanity is christened into a new Galactic family. The Truth is the Truth, it doesn't need to be sugar coated, cheerleeded? or advertised.

Make your Peace, exit the Beast & know that all is exactly as it should be & could never be otherwise.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by nt0n0m
Greetings Brethren,

This is my first post at ATS. But I've been heavily into ATS type subject matter since the nineties. (not that that matters at all)

The other day I noticed some "No plane hit the wtc" article & laughed to myself at the absurdity of the idea. The next day I noticed the article was still trending on ATS, so I figured that SINCE I had laughed it off, it might be fair to at least give the info a quick look.
*Just about everything I believe today, I initially ridiculed...*

YouTube Vid "Nosed Out" was the first piece I checked out & it is remarkable.
I then preceded to watch SeptemberClues, by the same author.
I now feel this is the Achilles heal of the 911 story.

To anyone here that refuses to watch this video so as not to jeopardize their current views...
LOL, have you learned nothing at all ?
I also feel the Truther movement is going Nowhere while the MSM exists... The idea of keeping the 911 truth movement simple & streamlined to attract bigger numbers is garbage *in my opinion*. Save yourself & allow others the freedom to make their own choices.

Armageddon isn't the end...
I now see it like a big Birth-day surprise, where everyone will choose what they need to learn before Humanity is christened into a new Galactic family. The Truth is the Truth, it doesn't need to be sugar coated, cheerleeded? or advertised.

Make your Peace, exit the Beast & know that all is exactly as it should be & could never be otherwise.

Also check out by the same person who made september clues, there is a wealth of info on there not in his videos, and once you have seen what is there you'll be able to see right through all the ATS shill's lies. This place is deeply infested with shills, and if people are getting paid to spread disinfo and uphold the OS 11 years down the line, then it proves they have a lot to hide.

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