reply to post by ucalien
This is a question I asked myself when I was still a teenager. "Is the universe a huge living being ?". Thanks to the OP for this topic and the
Like one poster was saying, the Universe could just be a cell/atom in the eye of some creature. I remember telling my cousin , when I was 15 , that
the Universe could be just like a matchbox on a kitchen table; part of something bigger.
It is my view that if a group of people were asked to contemplate this thought (i.e universe being a cell within the body of an intelligent being),
and then shown the beautiful pictures of galaxies. Then they might experience a broadening of the mind. This would probably have a positive effect on
their life.
But what is even more overwhelming is the universes that are within simple things around us. A microscope helps us to see so much within a drop of
fluid. The stronger the microscope the more we see, until we realise that it is infinite and is a universe that we do not have the technology to
explore. It is no different to the universe outside.
We , so-called intelligent beings, have wasted our time getting trapped in this dimension that we call reality. We have so much potential and yet it
is all wasted.
When I was a student and did not have much money , I sometimes faced the prospect of running out of fuel when driving long distances, especially at
night. In order to stay positive, I would often think of the following scenarios.
1. I could run out of gas now and have to walk 10 miles (no mobile phones then)
2. But that is not as bad as running out of fuel in a different country .
3. In a different country I would be safe with my feet on the ground. This would not be the case if running out of fuel whilst in a space capsule
before re-entry.
4.Well, the space capsule would fall to earth anyway , so no need for fuel if already orbiting. The situation would be worse if half-way from moon
5.I could always be rescued by another spacecraft docking, but what if I was outside the solar system.
.. and so on
All this had the effect of making me realise that, as long as I was anywhere on planet earth (except places of extreme temperatures), I would be safe.
In fact I had nothing to worry about . A long walk might do me some good.
That is why , in my opinion, the contemplation of the vastness of the universe makes us realise how insignificant our mundane concerns are. Earth is
such a small planet - like a grain of sand on a beach if you look at all the stars and planets in our galaxy and outside it.
A long waffle I know but I could not resist it.
Thanks for the great pictures !