posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:40 PM
1. You make a "10 Signs You Are an Unquestioning ___" thread in the Conspiracies in Religions Discussion Forum
2. Despite the fact that your thread has very little to do with "conspiracies" at all, it is revered by many and believed to be one of the best
threads to ever be posted on ATS
3. After you make your thread, you only participate in it for the first couple of pages and let religious banter and useless conversation take over
4. Even if your thread has the slightest hint of conspiracies upon its creation, it will continue to devolve into bashing other users (such as their
avatar or typos in their posts) until very few intelligent posters are left
5. Nearly every post on the first page will have at least five stars
6. The longer your thread survives, the frequency of emoticons being posted and deleted posts will increase drastically
7. Nothing ever gets solved, nobody's opinion is changed, and when all is said and done, both sides claim victory
8. There will be countless one-liners in your thread that moderators won't even blink an eye to
9. There is no number nine; if it did exist, it would be very stupid
10. People will come in your thread and argue that all this religious arguing is childish, yet they will then proceed to participate valiantly in
Republican/Democratic threads
Is it just me, or do these "bullet-point lists" always show up at least once a month? It's a known fact that there are groups out there that try to
rile up religious turmoil, but I sometimes wonder how much they have infiltrated ATS. I'm not saying all topic creators are a part of them, but
judging from the style of posting that goes on in some of those threads, it makes me think.